G7 encerses Russia to accept ceasefire, integrity in the area of ​​Ukraine – nationalist

Foreign Ministers from G7 countries have warned to overcome their differences and discard the queue to redefining their differences.

Increasing the Western trade, safety and Ukraine-related policy, their joint community continued between their allies and President Donald Trump.

Russian President Vladimir Put asked Putti on Friday President Vladimir Put.

Trump on social media on social media about his messenger

Kremlin said that Trump trump was sent to “vigilantism” to end a three-year-old conflict.

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Click to play video: Putin terms to accept Ukraine ceasefire

Putin puts the terms of accepting Ukraine ceasefire

Putin said that the Prophet’s proposal was supported by Thursday, but could not be suspended to temporarily stopping until many critical circumstances.

After the reference of Putin’s reference, US State Secretary Mco Ruby said, “Certificate of the Peace Discussions”, but not addressed his stated conditions.

G7 officials feared the written document without all over the world without all over the world.

For news alerts that are influenced by Canada and all over the world and the world's newsletter, sign up for news alerts that you have directly exchanged when they walk.

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For news alerts that are influenced by Canada and all over the world and the world’s newsletter, sign up for news alerts that you have directly exchanged when they walk.

“We have made sessions about these different issues, Ukraine, Middle East, subjects and topics,” Canadian Foreign Minister Melani Jolly told reporters.

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ക്യൂബെക് ഹിൽസിലെ യോഗങ്ങളിൽ, വ്യാഴാഴ്ചയും വെള്ളിയാഴ്ചയും യോഗങ്ങൾ നടത്തിയ ബ്രിട്ടൻ, കാനഡ, ഫ്രാൻസ്, ജർമ്മനി, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ, ജപ്പാൻ എന്നിവയ്ക്കൊപ്പം യൂറോപ്യൻ ടോഗീസ്റ്റുകളിലെയും ജപ്പാനിലെയും അമേരിക്കയിലെയും സംഘം വിളിച്ചു.

But at the first G7 meeting of the Presidency of Canada, a Summary of the final statement has dropped China’s crafting China.

In the center of the “Ukraine” Ukraine was resistant and maintaining the right to resist and maintain the right, its independence, sovereignty and freedom.

During January 20, the trump administration did not have from the US.

Click to play video: '' No to trust his words ': Ukrainiers'

‘Can’t Believe His Words: Ukrainians Number of Ukrainians

Ukrainian President Volumeer Selueer Celnessky said the Volumeeran of the Saudi city in Saudi City, but need a difficult dialog.

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“In reference to the United Nations (reference), the United Nations (reference) is a major structure of the United Nations,” a “call said.

A text-aged text warns a text-older text to ensure that a covenant will be replaced by a text-older text to ensure a ceasefire and more siege including oil prices.

“G7 members agree with a ceasefire and implement it completely.

They emphasized a ceasefire and unaware of Ukraine and defend Ukraine’s new functions, “they said in a reference on the integrity of Ukraine.

The British Foreign Secretary David Lamy has called the statement “very good”.

Click to play video: 'Russia Ukraine Authorized Program'

Russia Music Ukraine Authorized School

Washington tried to perform red lines in a written language in the language around Ukraine and preventing the abandonment of the siege.

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G7 approved a continuous statement, including a task force, including a task force to deal with the shadow.

The final Communc G7 informs opposition to the excellent attempts to change the Floan throughout the floor of the Fyan.

The Gaza and the Middle East was argued in language. The understanding of two state solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the US resists.

The last version was not mentioned on a two-state solution, early drafts of the text was stressed its importance.

“They underlined by the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian fight, it will achieve two people’s legal and happiness,” I read the draft.

Additional files from the global news and rooneys

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