MedelĂn, Colombia – The growing global crisis, a billion people live with an inadequate housing and a shelter without any shelter. In Colombia, challenges are drug addiction, poverty and poverty, economic crushing and political instability in Venezuela. However, a ministry without disappointment is promised hope and transformation by its “shelter ‘.
Columbia continues to reach the first place for Venezuelan migrants, and there is a number of more than three million country in the country – in the end of the year. Thousands of people arrive in search of food, water, shelter and stability. Many people are bent and poverty stuck in a wheel.
Douglas Calwano, a missionary Cydad Unnatatural FoundationDescribes the situation in anger. “Housing, immigrants – have you heard … Do you hear … Do you hear from Medell when you heard – it turns 90 is called 90 toll crisis.
Crisis due to economic struggles and a fight in Colombia. Seven millions of Columbians collides in their own country and streets, streets, streets, poverty, and displacement.
For more than 30 years, Medellen’s homeless population served, food, shelter and a path to recovery. Each week, staff and volunteers enter the most dangerous neighborhood in the city, “Hel Street” or “The Bonnons”.
This is where the government pushes everyone who is not homeless. “It is a culture inside a culture.”
Their outrich, prostitutes, drug slaves, the homeless will distribute the blood and sugar water. This venture is called Pan Way Panel, where the Cydad essential or refugee or the shelter begins forth his mission. Here the team serves to those who are else in “Hell Street” and elsewhere to turn. Here are many people, the future is uncertain – some people may face the arrest, and others may not survive the night. This is a permanent reminder of the desperate reminder that defines the life of these streets.
Harry Dietor Dich is adding the functions of the functions of the Cyudad, “You are at the end of your rope.” The worst of your life. “
Returned to their downtown headquarters, Cydad Emishay Gives a sanctuary for those willing to meet the rules. Every night is expected to rest. Before entering, they should pass security checks for drugs and arms. The mattress was given to the floor to sleep on the floor.
“Many of the homes seek the roof, looking for food, seeking a bed, looking at a bed,” says Dinnrick. “But if they have a heart of any kind of heart or restoration of the Lord or restoration, we will take them in and continue in the program.”
The ministry is not asylum. Its program is designed to physically, physically and emotionally restore and restore. The Ministry combines the city with a storefront bakery when he teaches employment skills when they teach employment skills. The program will be 65% and the success rate, most recovery programs.
Former slave and liquor girl’s jerk was found in the Cyded Commission six years ago. “When I come here, I was sure I would die,” he remembers. I was active 3 or 4 months as I was sick. But when I come here, everything began to change inside me. “
The severe custody of the Kamila Gomez, with addiction was lost. By the Cydad invalia, she found food, shelter and work. Today, she replied and again again.
“It is supernatural,” she says. “First, it is very beautiful to see how God touches our minds and hearts. Since he touches our minds and hearts. It is the only thing that can save us.”
The ministry serves women and children who offer Venezuelan mothers and children. “We have the women program,” says Dialtric. “If they are below the school age, the child will come to the program with the woman. But every Saturday is like a holiday Bible school.
The Church of Cyded Emishyo, known as the “Cave”, is welcome to those who refused. Here, creating opportunities to mark and rebuild each story and a miracle.
“The original restoration is not only stopping drugs,” says Marin. “To start to love people, start to be a good example, to show the gospel to show the love that Jesus showed.”
Since the need is growing, the mission of the Cyudad. The ministry plans to take more men, women and missionaries to the other cities.
“Not only did we preach the gospel, but I think the gospel is more than that,” says the legawano. “We need to do things for people. People tired of the right message, speaking – they want to see the gospel in the streets, and they are walking in Colombia.
In a world of despair, Cydad Emishay Standers the power of the power of faith and the transformation of Christ.
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