Manila, Philippines – The Philippines President’s Office, which follows the accusation of “crime against mankind” after allegations against the international criminal court.
According to the Philippine government, the in the Philippine government has been recovered on Tuesday at the Manila Airport at the Philippine airport.
Prosecutor issued arrest warrant for crime against crime against crime against crime against humanity, “the government said in a statement.
“He is now in custody of authorities,” said.
“Crimes against humanity” is associated with the drag of the earliest drugs. As a arrested warrant, the death of thousands of people, including children, were in 2016-2022.
In the statement, the human rights’ Watch (HRW) described the mode (HRW) “critical action to accountability in the Philippines.
The victims and their families can bring near to justice and send a clear message that no one is not above the law. Bryon launches Boyon Lafe, the Deputy Director of the HRW of the Markos Government should be quick to submit him to the ICC.
However, the duper questioned that Tuesday was held on Tuesday.
“The Law is a crime I have done, and what is the drizonica employee said the her daughter uploaded on social media.
“I now explain the legal basis of what I have brought me here by my own will. It’s another,” he added.
In Hong Kong on Saturday, he resisted his activities in Hong Kong. He said, “he said.
“If this is my judgment in life, it’s okay, I will accept it. I can’t do anything about it.”
Pader’s six years of Presidency, the police say, more than 7,000 people were killed in anti-official drug activities.
However, human rights plaintiffs claimed to have more than 30,000 killers, including those who were suspected of the suspected people, were considered more than 30,000, and some were later police officers.
‘Shoot’ and kill ‘
ICC to check the complaint in 2018.
In his president, urge the drug suspects of being suspected of duper drug suspects, or urges them to fight them.
Most of the cases investigated the ICC were planted between 2016 and 2019 and an earrest of an earrest to withdraw from ICC.
Crimes conducted by crimes committed by two decades, earned ear spearer were investigated.
A dozen town will make a dozen townmirs and other local officials and judges in the drug war campaign.
Many children who do not link to any drug activities killed. This death is rejected by the death of this death “collateral damage.
The ICC’s investigation on bloody drug war was done with such a pedder and ordered to withdraw the Manila from ICC.
The ICC prosecutor was used as racially charged language then.
After retirement Benzudan in 2021, Karim Khan continued to investigate.
The Rome rule against ICC was established to oversee the genocide, crime against crime against mankind and attacks against mankind, and came into effect in 2002. The Philippines accepted it.