FRankfert, Germany – Support in Ukraine helps to rebuild the European European allies, and compensate for Ukraine.
Now, this assets still beyond the seizure that this move can violate the international law and destabilizing economic markets.
Here are the important things to learn about the discussion around the freezing Kremlin assets after the entire scale of 2022:
What are the assets, where are they?
In fact, the money was in short-term government bonds received for the Russian Central Bank. Now, most bonds are maturing and became a cash crash in the custodian banks. The European Union is in the European Union and the EU Member’s centers, it is the Belgian Clearinghouse for 183 billion European Union and financial transactions. Other amounts are financial institutions in Japan, France, Canada, Switzerland, Australia and Singapore.
So far, seven democratic countries have used interest in the most frozen money, and borrowed against the income of the future. The solution of the legal and financial complications that be confiscated and assigned it to Ukraine.
Who is called to catch assets, and why?
The Frontsus-Poland in some Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Baltic States want to do more and to do more. The World Bank is estimated to be a cost $ 524 billion in 10 years in Ukraine, the sum of the Russian asset. If one or more traditional governments prevail by assets, it is still able to move on.
Meanwhile, Europe should take care of its own security compared to the context of US statement in Europe. All such hugs and belgia, for example, 100% of the total domestic product is above 100% of the total domestic product.
Why is Indians, Germany and Belgium of the assets caught assets?
The European leaders are currently using the assets and are now able to use the bargaining bargaining bargaining bargaining bargaining or help.
French Finance Minister Eric Lombard said the assets in central banks were against the International Actress. If the Russian assets were captured without a legal basis, “he has a risk of risks to European financial stability,” he said.
When I come to frozen assets, I keep the big diligent, “Belgian Prime Minister Burt Duave, said in March 6.” Now it is a cock sitting on gold eggs. That catphal profit goes to Ukraine. “
If the state reserve is rich in rich European role, the opponents were afraid of the opponents who were used by country financial institutions to use the country financial institutions.
Brugeel Think said the role of the Brussels said that the European Think said the European government bonds are worried that the European government bonds can respond to the European government bonds such as Saudi Arabia and China. It has already increased the cost of loans to the debts.
However, they murmuring that equipment have equipment to prevent any justified bond coffee to prevent any justified bond coffee by buying government bonds.
The Missors of the European Government of the Eurci Central Crisis are misleading the diocry crisis, and it breaks the cost of borrowing costs and breaks the eurosa currency.
Since there is a “nice point MSD with the European Union Bond Market, the Royal of London in London is the central funding and security in the Royal United Services of London.
Under international law, assets will be legal?
Some experts argue that the appropriate “opposite”. Generally referenced to an illegal activity but justified as a means of persuading Russia to prevent international law.
There is no delicion among the victim and using the rules based order, “Adults based ordrifice, the adults of the International Institute wrote to Belarus for Belarus for Belarus for Belarus for Belarus for Belarus for Belarus for Balarus for Belarus for Belarus for Balarus for Belarus for Balarus for Belarus for Balarus for Belarus for Balarus for Belarus for Adult International Institute.
Other scholars say that other scholars say that the mysterious of scholars may not be.
One Reason: Justifying a counter as compensation of damage – pressing the pressure to behave – the way we used the way we used in Vandubilet University Low School. “I will be regarded as a violation of international law that resistant.”
In addition, the great care of central bank reserves against the earthquake – a centrally powerful principle. “
The legal question is “50-50 call.” It is boiling to the question of “political will.”
Has the frozen assets of other countries be confiscated in the past?
In 1990, Kuwait 1990 Kuwait was used to compensate for the seizure of Iran’s 1979 US Embassy. In the case of Iraq, those functionality justified in Iraqi
What is Russia or done about frozen assets?
Kremlin warned repeatedly to capturing the Russian assets, illegal and investors. “We see those intentions illegally, and any effort to meet them are fulfilling very serious legal consequences,” Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov told reporters earlier this month.
In Russia, the property of the Western companies would be seized in Russia theory of 1,800 western companies. Recent legislation will be enabled by the State Scheme that is designed to be “friendly companies” in recent legislatures.
However, it is less likely to capture in the end of Russia. Foreign companies at 2022 to 170 billion dollars of $ 2022 to 50 billion.
–The burrows were reported from London. Reported from Cook Brussels. In the Associated Press Writer, Conbet in Silvi Corbett Paris contributed to this report.