Curious acne products recalled several acne products on possible Benzine pollution

Due to the risk of cancer, many types of skincare products used to treat acne.

In general treatment for acne, the products containing peroxide contains peroxide in high levels of peroxide (FDA) notice.

The recalled products include:

  • La Rocherche-Posai EFACKler Duo Dual Activity Treatment – Cotton Mys46w
  • Swalgreens acne Control Clenser – Lot No 23 09328
  • Proactive Emergency Collection Cream Benzoel Perside 5% – lots V3305 A. V3304 A
  • Proactive Skin Expoliator is smooth – Lot Number V4204A
  • SLMD Benzoyl Peroxide Adeladen – Lot Number 2430600
  • Walgreens tind acne treatment cream – Loot No 4970743

FDA recalls the Chinese Food component of the Chinese food component after discovering sulfomes found in Florida test

Many of the skincare products used to treat acne reminded a cancer risk. (ISTOCK)

Due to the high quality of Bensen found in his own examination, the structure of acne treatment is made to manually recall the manufacturer of acne treatment, said the FDA said.

90% of 95 products Tested Bensoxide “Unable to find or a very low Benzene”.

Benzine is a chemical used in several industrial output, including chemicals, paint, detergents and some plastic.

Some food recalls, and yet more years, in 2024, the new report says

“Cigarette smoke, vehicle released through contamination, coal and oil.

Remembered La Roche Product

Low Rochoco-Possey Efficial Dewo Dual Activity is one of my X46 Dial Recalled products. (La Rocho-Posy)

Although secure to use peroxide in acne is safe, small amounts of pollution can lead to the formation of blood cells. The respiratory and real absorption of breathing, and leukurv and the skin of the skin. ”

After third party test results, Bensoel started the free examination of peroxide products “Highest levels of some acne products.”

“FDA testing results reduce fewer products than third-party findings,” the agency is added.

FDA building

The FDA said the companies had commemorated that companies were not in consumer standards voluntarily. (AP photo / Andrew Harnique, file)

The FDA said the companies had commemorated that companies were not in consumer standards voluntarily.

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“This means to remove products from Store Showes and Online Medical Senders, but do not suggest consumers to perform activities of the products,” said FDA. “Throughout the daily use of these products for decades, exposure to Benzin found in these products is less likely to develop cancer because of exposure to Benzzin ​​found in these products.”

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