Carisian Island kills a client to a popular tourist attraction, and kills 12 people, including the famous Honduran musician Orio Martinees

A small plane crashed in the Caribbean to the Caribbean from the Romatting Island. Officials said the officials were informed. One of the main tourist destinations in the central American country, Lansa Airlines is going to Port of La Siba of the Port of the Port for Hondan.

Flight to the right of the runway “made a sharp turn to the right of the runway and fell into the water,” said Civil Aviation Bolce Padilla.

“The aircraft kept us. I was fishing,” said a fishermen, a fishermen, named television.

The flight carried 17 passengers and crew, and five people escaped five people in hospital.

The consequences of a wimonal accident in Honduras

Since March 17, 1925, the rescue activities are held in the role of Raten, Bal Islands and Honduras in March 17, 1925.

Honduras / Handout National Police by Roomers

The dramatic video National Police posted in social media Showed that survivors who survived the scene to be carried into the rock. Another video The same scene showed a similar scene, reporting a dead body, police reported their search.

Ratans Fire Captain Bourges said that the Suraters’ News Agency was taken to the nearest hospital, but no information about their circumstances was. Brojus told the roarers that searches and rescuing operations were complicated by the terrain.

“There are 30m rocks, swim or swim, you can’t get there,” he told the rooters. “A variety of the patron helps a zero visibility.”

Azulio marten, Garified African and Garifuna ethnic group of Garifuna ethnic group of Garified African and local heritage. Martenus also played the US citizenship. Helen Agrade Girchechhar was a French citizen of his representative, among survived.

Martenes is originally from the Caribbean in the Caribbean in the Caribbean.

“We perished,” said his nephew a Straight Fernades Martan and the musician played in the uncle. “He was the pillar of family.”

Martenes was a member of the Los Gatos Bhwas before setting his own group lita. His first album “Garifuna” carried him in Europe to Europe and in the rest of the world.

He was the largest model from Honduras in the Garfuna Music around the world, “he said.

Martine’s Sadgovu musician and passionate performance made him better in 1990s, high energy, Garifuna roots and roots and roots-informed pop section, ” According to the Kennedy Center.

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ബാൻഡ് ഓറെലിയോയിലെ ഗായകൻ-ഗാനരചയിതാവ്, ഗിറ്റാറിസ്റ്റ് ആൻഡ് പെർക്കുസിയോണിയോ മാർട്ടിയോ മാർട്ടിയോ മാർട്ടിയോ മാർക്കറ്റ്സ് ഹോളിവുഡ് ബൗളിൽ, ഹോളിവുഡ്, കാലിഫോർണിയയിലെ ഹോളിവുഡ് ബൗളിൽ 38-ാം വാർഷിക ദിവസം 1 അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നു.

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Fifteen passengers were also on the plane with two pilots and aircraft.

The British manufactured jetstream was stated to the statement of the British and the British jetstream on the island’s coast.

Honduran President Castro She said The emergency committee made immediately activated in the armed forces and firefighters to help victims of the accident.

Contributed to this report.

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