NASA says it was the pencil of the blue origin Blue Moon Mk 1 Consignment Lander In this summer, to deliver the scientific payload to the moon’s South Polar area.
The unknown Lander will be ranked as the largest spacecraft sent to the surface of the moon, and the moon will be prepared for a large creep for lords used for missions. By that time, everything continues to be planned, the world’s largest moon will take up the best position of the Starship of the world.
In 2000, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was the time to return to the moon, but to stay this time, “he declared in 2017.
It is designed that the cameras’ Payload Moon’s Payload Chandra Lands and Rocks of NASA are growing the dirt and rocks on the Blue Moons. Data from that experiment – known Lrerio camerasOtherwise the tissars – the factor will be in preparations of brutal landings.
The same payloads flight in the intuitive machines and it is the Odysseus Lander Partially successful mission In the moon last year; Firefly Airosospace’s blue ghost M1 Lander The first month came down on the moon. NASA will be given data from Blue Moon Mission as expected in the weighty spacecraft.
They hope that the first Blue Moon Mission is taking place this year but it seems to have reduced the deadline in a chart by NASA Lunar, presentation in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference In Texas. Chart suggested that NASA’s next task will take place Commercial Lunar Payload Services The program is, launches in August.
“It will be 1 serial number 1 Lander,” Brad Baylee Associan Administrator has been charged for the Assistant Deputy Exploration of NASA. (The following missions 2025, the Firefly and the Firefly and Draper in the last and 2026.)
No need to set up on August. Blue Moon will launch the new glen Rock of Blue Scist, it is the first lift and its development and testing stage. After the first new Glen lounge, Blue Return CEO Dave Lim’s second launch Planned at the end of the spring. We solve the first three flights for development airlines, “Limpray said at the time.
New Glen and Blue Moon will imagine the launch of the launch of a landmark in the year – and only one of the many pale doggles that are scheduled for delivery. For more information, we arrive to the Blue and NASa, which will be updated using anything we can pass.