The 150th annual competition between England and Australia will celebrate the Test match of the first men and Australia will be the day in the morning.
Cricket Australia said he would take place at the MCG from 11-15 March 2027, March 11-15.
The MCG host played the first Test in March 1877, the second match of England won the second stage on Australia.
ഉദ്ഘാടന പരിശോധനയുടെ നൂറാം വാർഷികം 1977 ൽ ഓസ്ട്രേലിയയും ഇംഗ്ലണ്ടും എംസിജിയിൽ എംസിജിയിൽ എംസിജിയിൽ എംസിജിയിൽ എംസിജിയിൽ എംസിജിയിൽ എംസിജിയിൽ അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തി.
Australia Chief Executive Tadberg said the match would be one of the Great Cricket events.
The lights will be playing a beautiful way of celebrating the rich heritage of our game and the modern evolution of Test cricket.
“It helps to make sure more people can participate and make it wonderful. We look forward to when closer to this historic opportunity.