At the moment the Ukrainian Sniper ‘Lucketor’ Lucketor ‘lector’ kills Russian soldier from 6,800 feet after targeting 4 days

History was built after a Ukrainian Sniper History of 2,000 meters.

Eddie Redmaine Sharpushooting echoes the work of the Shooter record books after deleting the objective of the fox, 2,069 meters.


The moment History was built by a Ukrainian Sniper TargetCredit: Instagram
The closule of a dim looking a ruler for scale.


The moving aims to be 2,000 meters away when the kil was shotCredit: Instagram
The record of a Ukrainian Sniper's record shows a 1.29 miles shot, rifle, distance and time.


LeCcror, Lecturer, also known as the Special from Lapuya Magnum-Caliber Rifle, a Bulupa Magnum-Caliber Rifle.

He and his team were pruned in four days and heavy rain and strong wind before the strong rain and strong wind.

There was a unit mentioned by the team without high-ranking officers or special forces.

The former gamesker claimed that this week was previously spoken to the “extremely difficult” which he uses and shooting.

He was wearing the mask to save his identity: “The trigger is about clean shooting skills and you don’t think about anything else.

“That kind of shots are rare, especially in the real fighting circumstances, especially in this caliber.

“Hit probability was very low, but I took the shot and worked it. You have to know in and out of your bullet.

“Setting up a new bar without knowing it. There is no room for error, you Twitch A drone will shoot you. “

The lecture is after the death of a Russian deadly Russian dead from 3,800 meters dead from 3,800 meters dead.

Ukraine Miscales blit Misso following a refusal of ceasefire

He added: “We train and prepare to reject shooting, but not all such extreme distances, but also the goals are not moved.

“The task falls on the shoulders of a man and failed shots, as successful, maybe more.

“But duty stood me in the army, and there is a war in our country.”

Constitutional authorities chiefer’s highest gained “Ukrainian snipers’ and the best in the world.

Ukraine’s defensive secrets, the head of the headman, said: “It will come down in the history of our fight for freedom.

“Our snipers are a model of professionalism, focus.”

Lector told him that he was serving with his son, “he told him to fight the Sena to the Sena’s forces.

He said: “We’ve added to the same day, we still fight for years.

“When he started his full-level attack, he decided to join.

“When your son will give that decision and near your homeland, how is healthy, sensible individually?”

Is there peace?

Uanain accepted US supported peace proposal, and it will be welcomed in the 30-day ceasefire – dropping only Russia to confirm the covenant.

Washington and Handshua have taken place on Tuesday positive crunch to help Ukraine in the fight against the Savin Vladimir.

After supporting the Donald Trench, the US Ukraine assured Ukraine after supporting the Donald Trench for the early this month.

The two countries have resolved the terms of a ceasefire from Saudi Arabia to Jedddddi.

After a severe nine hours, the two countries released the joint statement in positive meeting.

Ukraine announced that it was willing to take the US suggestion to make immediate medium-sized 30 days.

After months, “they can expand” parties’ mutual agreements “.

After the Ukraine’s Ukraine’s Ukraine’s Ukraine’s Ukraineer’s prescribed, the Ukraineer’s proposed Ukravians, Putin played.

The dictatorial said that despite a covenant with a covenant.

Delay strategies are afraid of a great plan for a great plan before signing the peace deal of Trump.

The Russian army has won 28 settlements in the Warner area last week.

Although disagreements, he is “cautiously optimistic”, “said Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Pescov.

Impripitation of the distance of long written sniper shots.

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