Astronomers get more than dark energy ‘more than dark energy

An international astronomer of such an international astronomer, an international astronomer of this kind of such a longer rapid evidence is pushed to expand the universe to expand the most quicker – not a steady force of nature.

Dark energy, new dimensions indicate, and our universe will not resign from galaxy clusters from galaxy clusters. Instead, its extension will be beautiful, and eventually the universe will eventually achieve. Or the universe can, and finally astronomers causes a collapse that the astronomers are a huge crisis.

The latest results are the standard model of the skills in the past April last April, the best theory of history and the structure of the universe. The dimensions are from a collaboration of dark energy spectroscopic tool or desi, desi and desi.

“This is a bit more than a hint,” Michael Levi, the Sorkniologist and the Delhi director of the Lawrence Berkli National Laboratory, said. “This is compatible with other measurements,” Dr. Levi added. “If dark energy is not developed – the boy, all ducks continuing continuously.”

The announcement at the meeting of the American Physical Society in Anahim in Kalifa. Papers The results describing the resource, pear review and submit to physical review in journal review.

As a result, the Jones Hopkins was taken at dark energy in the University, “Adam Rishish and Jones Hopkins University The Institute, but also shared, but shared 2011 Nobel Prize in Physology To find dark energy, wrote in an email.

As Landed Obnets questioned Presemology’s standard model, it is steadfast over time, and a particular result was strengthened. The Multipulation of Multiple Team in Chile in Chile Deliver The most detailed pictures from the 380,000-olds older child universe. (Telsecope abolished in 2022.)

Their ReportThere is not yet been a reviewed, it seems to be confirmed to act as expected in the standard model universe. An element in that model and describes how quickly the universe is developing, but the last-century disagreement with the permanent disagreement, and the minimum disagreements. When the conditions form, the conditions were very hot, the first earlier of the universe has been added to the additional rate of dark energy of the universe, which can be called the hazel tense.

The latest end-to-date results seem to reject this idea. But they don’t say anything about whether the nature of darkness energy evolves on time.

Two other tabernotists reported two people who have reported a cosmic simultaneously about what they mean.

At this stage, Wendy Friedman said that the hubber should not explain more explaining more, “he said.

Michael Turner Michael Turner, the University of Chicago, which is not involved in the University of Chicago: “The main news and no cosmic eggs have no cracks.”

The word “dark energy” used the word ” Turner added, if there is a crack, “it is not open to the widow – yet –

Astronomers often compare galaxies often to the raisins in a baking cake. As the dough rises, the raisins are far away. They are far away and they are separated.

In 1998, two groups of astronomers have measured the extension of the universe Some kind of supernovaOr the star explode. Such supernovans create the same amount of light, so they make them very distant distance. If the development of the universe is slow, the light from the distant explosion should be brighter than the former border blast.

Surprisingly, the supernovas found that the supernovas expected expected. Instead of slacking, the spread of the universe was originally quick.

It cannot lead an accelerating extension for physics who know physicists; The ballooning extends more than thinning in the Balloon and reduce its power. If that energy is not received in space.

This dark energy carried out that this dark energy in 1917 was born in 1917 to explain that he was gravitational in 1917 to explain to his gravity. The flyer component, known as the Camperian Astorm, is represented by the cosmic compulsion of gravity and stunning the universe – or he thought. In 1929, when the universe is expanding, the Einstein Distinguishtal Stabilized, it is called his greatest stupidity.

But very late. A feature of the Quantum theory of Quantum theory of the Quantum theory of the quantum theory is predicted by an energy that creates a forgiven force like the Einstein Fudge Factor. In the last quarter, this constant is part of the standard model of the location of the location. In an universe born 13.8 billion years ago, it is described as a large bang, which is a great spark, known as the largest bang, 25 percent is dark matter and 70 percent of dark energy. But the model fails to say what is really dark matter or dark energy.

If the dark energy is really steady of Einstein, the standard model opens a dark future; Remote galaxes will eventually see. All energy and life and thought will be pulled from the universe.

To keep galaxies in various times of the cosmic time, the astronomers of the Desi team are characterized by dark energy. The small irregularities in the primary universe have already influenced the distance between galaxies – developed the measurable with the universe.

The data used to measure the most recent descy a Catalog About 15 million galaxies and other celestial places. The data set does not suggest anything to be unbearable with the theoretical perception of dark energy. But in combination with other tricks of the universe, the most older light in the universe, the most old light in the universe is issued a thousand years after the Big Bang.

The scruten enrich pillaus of the structure in the University of Arizona, declared more vulnerable than predicting it.

The mismatch between data and theory is the most 4.2 Sigma (in the units), represents one of the 50,000 and the results represent the results. But the incompatibility is not yet in five sigma (3.5 million occasionally, the materialists set to claim a discovery.

Still, disconnection is inspired to understand something better in the model of the universe. How does gravity interpreting scientists or how to modify how to interpret ancient light from the Best Bagament. Desi astronomers think this problem is characteristic of dark energy.

“If we preserve a dynamic dark energy, the pieces of the puzzle in the dallase that helped to lead the latest desi analysis together.

The spokesperson of the waterloom in Ontario, the spokesperson of Desi will excite about the horizon. “It is actually a small thing in the arm to actually,” he said. “Now we’ve got some to go after.”

Astronomers claimed that in the 1950s Only two digits need only two digits to explain cosmology: How quickly the universe is developed and the other person describes its spread or how much extension was slow. In the 1960s, things have changed the cosmic microwave background and the discovery that the universe was showered from Big Bungi. This background radiation is allowed to refer to scientists to mention scientists, and then the way the galaxies are forming. As a result, the standard model of the universe is now required, including the density of the dark matter.

When the cosmology became more precise, the extra tensions have emerged between the predictable and measuring values ​​of these parameters, which led to the standard model to the rise of theoretical extensions. The latest results of the Damage Telescope Telescope – Clear maps from the date of the cosmic microwave background – Sounds the door in many of these extensions.

The data will continue to collect data for at least another year. Telescope in the ground and outer space chartes the own view of Cosmos; Of them ZWICKY Facility In San Diego, the European Uklid Space Telescope, the sporal mission to recently released NASA recently. In the future, verb. The Rubin Observatory will begin to recording from Chile this summer in Chile this summer, will be launched in 2027 by the NASA.

Each will add light from the sky and measures cosmos pieces from different views and contribute to the universe to be broadly in the universe. All an effective egg and the universe works as an existing reminders of what the crack is.

Each of these data sets comes with his own power, “California, Santa Cross and Santa Cross Santhapuring, spokesman said. We are trying to reject a lot of different things. “

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