The gap in a “communication” was raised by a business owner in a business owner. Police investigated a break in the business.
At a restaurant in the terminal road, a restaurant at a restaurant in the terminal road was summoned the alarm police. Officers arrived at 4 pm, before 4 pm, starting to search for symptoms of compulsory entrance.
A Body camera video was released on TuesdayOne officer can be held to the back of the business. Arriving at the back of the building and the officer is sorting around a wall. When looking at the back of the business, a man walks out of behind a parked vehicle, the officer changes his flashlight.
“Yo, show your hand,” says officials.
The man points out the officer to “stop” personnel to persuade personnel, “stop!” Man repeat their command to show his hands.
An official burned the weapon, and an officer motivates to bring down the gun. About two seconds pass and shot shooting between the first man who appears in the video. The officer has not heard the police before shooting the shot in the body camera video.
After firing, the man tells the police that he was a business owner, and the officials may be taken to be afraid. He then followed the commands of officials and took into custody following the owner of the restaurant.
Forted Fort Police said investigators have determined the restaurant. In the incident, no arrest is not injured in the incident or police.
In the press conference on Tuesday, officials, officials, officials said “No matter how quickly, officials”, officials have not really time to “. He said the weapon of officials had noted to promote the business owner.
“As we have seen in the video, the owner and police officers were a gap in communication,” said Oldrides. Business owner did not know that the business was in the scene of the business, and the business owner had not been in his property.
Said the holidays after shooting, said the vacant officers on Tuesday night will return to duty.