Atlanta-based EPA 100 firm Smith + Howard .
Extra schools facilitate the upgrade and optimizing financial and operation processes while maintaining long-term stability. The identification of these challenges, Smith + Howard provides special business office capacity to strengthen their economic health and improve functional efficiency in order to improve the opportunities of economic efficiency. The new service offer includes:
- Business Office Assessments – Compatible Assessments to identify incompetence and improve the best methods.
- Division – experienced economic professionals to lead the interim or part-time for schools in transformation.
- Full or partial business outsourcing – Enable schools when ensuring continuity and institutional knowledge.
“Free schools navigate more complex financial and working landscape,” said David LeeSmith + Howard in Smith + Howard is the partner and free school training leader. “Our Business Office Services will be designed to be designed, and the staffing gaps, the quality of not renovated processes.”
Business Office Services Smith + Howard + Howard reflects with Hohad