Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development Hosting Business Expo


On Thursday, Richland Area Chamber and Economic Develop invites public to attend the 18th Annual Business Expo.

The incident presented by the Hamilton Insurance Group will be working on Richland County Fair grades up to 4 pm. This year’s Expo’s Expo’s Expo will introduce the atmosphere of more than 100 local businesses and dividends.

The event will start a ribbon-cutting ceremony with local officials. Expo is offering free access and parking. Personal booths will offer samples, gifts and gifts through additional gift drawings with the monk taken by the chamber.

“We are happy to bring back to the Business Expo 18th year,” Lisa Duckworth, Chamber Program and Events Director. “This is the ideal opportunity to interact with local businessmen and support our community. Plus Food trucks, live performances, respondable pets, have something for everyone!”

Specialized activities were planned

The selected exhibits and activities are a Mansfield Police Department K9 Department, an Ontario Police Department K9, an Ontario Police Department on a Ontario Society and the dogs adopted from the Richland Counts. Dalmacian Chebbi will provide a specialist guest in the afternoon. Food trucks Bithan Kitchen and Truck Trav Street Food will also appear.

The Chamber has hosted a donor drive to support the Human Society, Richland County Dog Shelter. Canned and dry pets, bleaches, laundry soap, paper towels, dog toys, soft treaves, soft treaves, rushing bones.

Expo makes the support of the local business of the local business, including the American home-homestead estern, heartland design concepts, the new mercy referral and ywcare.

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