Moved from NYC to Paris. It was not glamorous as I expected.

  • I have moved to Paris from New York and anticipated that European dream dream is to live a dream but a reality was a bummer.
  • I am making a third of the paid for me in New York, but my life cost is not more changed.
  • It is not easy to travel to other countries.

One year ago, my fiancé and I live in New York City 10 years after staying in New York City.

I expected some differences – mostly lovely. Cheap and Universal Health Care, Best Working and Life Balance and Lowest Life Levels I imagined a low life cost.

I learned that it would be a little rough in the beginning of a new place but appealing to the Paris and appeals to my New York sacrifice.

However, the reality was different from imagining.

Healthcare in Paris isn’t cheap as I thought

France’s Healthcare System offers significant achievements, it’s not as simple as walking into a doctor’s office, never see a big bill.

As a dental cleaning on about $ 20, some basic visits will cost some basic visits, but the special services cost me more than the US.

For example, each visit to my gynecologist will cost about $ 120, and a dermatologist will cost $ 900 per diagnosticologist. When I live in New York, I didn’t give anything from the pocket to visit my health insurance through workplaces.

Was harder than finding a job

Initially, I was sending away from resumes without a feedback. It is common in the US, but I don’t understand these jobs in English and French languages. It was not communicated in job descriptions.

I only realized once I finally finish my french.

I wondered that the cost of living

I know the salary of France is a mean less than the US. Still, I hope it will offset this with a low-life cost. That wasn’t that.

One-third of me the one-third of me is giving my job. However, the prices of everyday items are significantly cheap. My husband and I were $ 120 per week and $ 100 from New York.

The cost to go to a restaurant is not very cheap. In New York, I will be rewarded up to $ 25 to $ 30 for dinner. In Paris, a similar restaurant is about $ 20.

Other services are more expensive. I spent approximately $ 300 in New York, while it will cost $ 350 in the place.

I miss the deals I get Amazon. The US is more expensive than the US as it is configured in Paris, and I stopped using it. I’m shopping on Facebook market now or go to Paris equivalent to the target.

Travel as much as I expected

Living in Europe is easy for traveling benefit.

However, as in New York, I want to budget more than I expected, as in New York.

In addition, I expected that Barcelona will be planning to travel in Barcelona to the weekend.

You need to book American, pack and budget, and it belongs to be as in the US. The difference is the time I spend on the flight.

People in Paris are more insular in the

In New York, I found it easy to make friends. I will chat with people in my local cafe or bar. It only takes some meetings before eating dinner. I haven’t made friends in France.

People are more ready to schedule quick chat in coffee but took more time to make a real connection with them. In the year I spent the Paris, I made a few friends, but I still seem to have acquaintances to learn to my friendship in New York.

The scheduling hangouts in the weekends because people I know is spending time to travel to the nearby areas.

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