AI Tech hugs the German chickens to optimize his business – Grand Forks Herald

Berlin – Dir Simmers Pulling out his smartphone out of his pocket and opening an application.

In Lower Saxony, the 43-year-old parmer, the 43-year-old parmer, is the 43-year-old parmer.

In 2019, he took over the Father’s businesses from the Father and build up a modern stability to free range and storing 12,000 animals.

Semares can be used to check the temperature of temperature data, moisture, feed level, the fresh air of his feeding. Modern sensors provide an animal in water consumption or consumption.

“We try to capture as many data as possible,” explain the specialist before the acquisition of computer science is explained and taking business.

The data is the key to using artificial intellectuals (AI) in agriculture.

“Learning from the artificial desires,” says the supplier of the anstock builders from the big Dutchman. He explains that there are basic differences between AI and traditional digital applications.

In traditional applications, individual features are defined. For example, a camera has a white area in a small red area to identify a chicken.

The problem is that the system cannot be identified as the system can be identified as the system appears to be reddish.

The systems used by AI works differently. Provides the system to the system – in this case, different images of chickens.

Thousands of different pictures are needed and stores as pictures of the chickens. On this basis, the system can be independently trained. Therefore, AI-based system errors are less likely. What’s more, AI can recognize the patterns that humans can’t.

Each trained AI is as good as the data provided in it, the lamp says.

“Do you want an AI to handle as much data as you can handle as much as you can handle, so you need enough data.” The challenge is not only to get data, but to ensure its quality and preparation.

AI systems require large amounts of data to work. The Jorg Clean-Clast can explain any physical levels, it is advancing to digital business unit in the big Dutchman.

Not only is water but also feeding, but also the values ​​of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the values ​​of carbon dioxide (CO2). All these elements influence the health and the welfare of animals.

Image processing made the best advancement in the past five years. This is possible now to determine the weight of animals using cameras. But it is possible to identify movement patterns, clearly explained the clean-class.

For example, conclusions are from such data on animal health. Kozhak’s known eggplant is bathed, it goes around the powder or dry land to remove the parasites from their feathers or skin.

“This is a clear sign of what this animal feels better,” says Clean-Chat.

“The big gain is to be monitored by a large farm 24/7,” explains the lamp. Only a snapshot farmers walking in the barn while checking animals during a tour.

Only then will they monitor animal behavior or determine what’s the weather in the barn. With AI, you can see what happens in the barn – can respond quickly.

Joatiyam Hertzberg says the first apps are already used in agricultural sectors. The retiring computer scientist retired last summer.

The currency systems ensure that grain is correctly threshing correctly.

According to what Hensberg says, these sensors are verified if grain size and moisture, moisture and moisture are processed properly processed.

The installed cameras can be monitored by the beets, beets, such as potatoes, potatoes.

“This is an uninterrupted AI, and it should: you don’t care about it there,” says Hertzburg. This includes small software modules made in information technology and functions of machines.

This does not make machines completely autonomous, but also supporting the drivers in a car.

Simmerers expect to make AI applications in the camera technology.

There are applications that evaluate animal movement patterns in the broiler fat area. “

As a farmer, he has developed the meaning of how the animals work while the dead body walks through stall. “You get a feeling of how the animals are treating and how they work well – it teaches you.”

AI-based apps can be an important help, Semers say. Since there is more data is able to process more data than a man, they can eat more effectively.

“Faster we can respond more quickly than we can respond more than we see it all.”

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