The Social Impact Research, 2025 winners of the Social Award 2025 winners declared Drake University Simplul College of Business today. This annual event will express the college faculty and the staff and the society through their scholarships and the work of the community. For everyone who receives a award that is worth $ 5,000 worth of $ 5,000 for the success of the winning.
“Exploring value to the business community than those who believe in the power of the city of Kantapandy,” said the Dean Alagandro Hernnondice of the Colillman College of Business. “The approval of the approval of our faculty’s positive social impact is a commitment to convert life and strengthen communities.”
The winners and their work include:
LENDY FOLLOT: DATA Analysis to develop Wesley Life Food in Weeks Service
Dr. In the Stat of the Fallet’s two-laddated students in Stat of 172 Data Minana, General Linear Models Course, which helped to make the models that helped Wesley Life Food on Chakra The program learns how to expand the most effective of its services beyond the most effective of the rural citizen to lighten the food insecurity. In the United Nations sustainable developmental goal (SDG) 2 (Sero appetite) is defined by the performance.

Clair Mousan: Empowered without a non-profit the data-directed character to push the data
Dr. Dr. In order to increase the communication effect of non-profit staff. Mubelman developed a training program The number of shelter animalsAnimal shelter is serving as a clearinghouser for the statistics. This project links to SDG 3 (good health, welfare) and is linked to community health and mental welfare. Documentality essential shelter attracts complex data to attract complex data and compulsory to be awesome and compulsory. As a result, by 2024, the end of 2024 reached $ 2.5 million to $ 2.5 million.

INA Parwanova: Diversification training is performed to meet the needs of participants and create better results
Dr. The Parwanwa and her cooperation, men and women are using a segmentation approach to identify the development of different variety training programs, especially if some of them are in doubt for variety training. The research published in a high-quality academic journal has the ability to influence many persons who are working on a variety practice institutions. Publication of work Applied psychology: an international review SDG 5 (Linga) Scholarship has been distinguished by this scholarship.