Underlined Cables Break In Europe and Taiwan Spying News

Taipei, Taiwan – When a Underlined telecom cablies were deliberately disconnected last month, he pledged all efforts to clarify what happened.

China Tonger’s Coast Guard Administration said that China Tong Tai 58 is not likely to deploy against Thai 58 as part of the penetration in the Gray area.

Recent costs indicate closely to submarine cables around the island indicates, not easy to get easily.

There were 11 cases around 2023 to Taiwan and at least 11 incidents in the Baltic Sea.

Taiwanese, European authorities, China, has identified the allies – although the allies – as a criminals in many of the events.

NATO BALTIC SCTIMENT started to protect on ships in the Baltic Sea.

However, the officials have not been announced against Beijing or Moscow, but there is no roadmark for implementing the subsequence and ‘Shadow remembrance to the sanctions to carry out the sanctions.

Despite several persons or companies, the authorities or companies have been earned by many individuals or companies in the 25th of February 25.

Beijing and Moscow denied in overthrowing the underline cables.

“This is all the gray zone. The Director of Stanford Sea light project observed by Chinese Maritime operation,” Ray Powell and the States Project is told to Al Jazeerah.

“You need to deny enough, so if you know that you know that, they cannot prove that it is.”

Taiwan Coast Guard Members poses for Pictures

Subsequences – Globs carry 99 percent of Intercontinental Digital Communication Traffic – frequently damage, with the needy and marine activities such as fishing.

The cable disorders are very high – the Industry is engulfed with independent londons each year, between 100 and 200.

These features Subatible Cables “Hybrid Warfair” or Low-Gray Zone Activities – Low-Grade Deficiency Activities – According to Often Analysis –

Most cable intervals are the result of accidents … Anchories intentionally left in a rough sea or intended to be longer. Cables can be crushed when fishing nets were dragged in the wrong place. What’s more, a cable broken ship may not be recognized, “Kevin’s Tarbell Fellow’s Tarbell Fellow’s Tarbell Fellow’s, told Al Jazeerar in Reprophit Law Ferrer.

“It is done by one of the most dangerous way to cause a cable to break a cable. Such a reason for dragged through a cable.”

Barbara Kelman, the Associate Director of ASSOSOSYETFLIAD, the Associate Director of ASSOSOSYETFLIAD, ASSOSOSYETFLIADE ASSOCIETFLIKE ASSOSSIETFLIKE ASSOSSIETFLIADE ASSOCIETFLIADE ASSOCIATE Director of London has been identified as a large number of failures each year.

“If you look at the data, if you look at the data, the cables are suddenly damaged, and how many cases you are,” you are involved in the same time.

Hong Thai scored 58 runs in a section of the Trans-Pacific Express Cable, and it establishes the United States West coast.

The coastal officials said the vessel could not be taken to South Korea.

Interactive-Subsaci-cable-capped_jan 10_2025_ WORTIAL-SHANXING 39

Chinese freight shipment turning and turning on and turning on its Automatic Identification System (AIS)

The law in the sea is not only for practical reasons, not only for practical reasons, but also the contradictations of jurisdictions without practical reasons.

Under the United Nations, ships of the sea, in international water ships are generally undergoing the country’s legal jurisdiction.

The 12 nautical miles (22 km) from the land defined: local water of the state, under the local water of the state.

In the limited number of the streaky, “terrorist” and slavery can eat the authorities to eat “Universal Blood”.

Some countries believe in the jurisdiction in international water, there is a citizen’s victim or offenders.

In cases, a deliberate case, even the deliberate case is difficult to make a legal case, even if the authorities arise.

“If a ship to do this, it clearly can communicate clearly to a command clearly to a command clearly, they can make a claim and try to prosecute an argument,” she said.

“I suspect that it would be very difficult.”

The European authorities of the Chinese flaged yi peng 3 are the challenges of the two subcio telecom cables.

AIS Data Yi Peng 3 expressed near two cables – this is also connected to Finland and Lithuania – Sweden – Their disconnecting time with Lithuania – Sweden – Their disconnecting time with Lithuania

The Sonar images of the nearest beach showed evidence that the ship was dragged up to 160 km (99 m).

In spite of the evidence, the European inquiries knocked the diplomatic wall, because the ship flies in China’s flag and anchored in the flag of China.

Beijing said he would investigate the incident.

Considering the physical and mental health of the crew and the “comprehensive assessment and consultation” and then informed the Ministry of India’s foreign affairs.

The Embassy of China’s Ocean security and the Embassy in Stockhom did not respond to the requests to the requests of Al Jazeera.

Sweden’s Foreign Maria Maria Murgaard was still criticized by the investigation officials from the board.

“Our request will be allowed to take some investigators within the framework of the Board. This clearly,” Stenobard said.

But even though European investigals are dissatisfied, the one of the international incident, said Jens Ventsal in Nordic Defense Analysis.

“This is very difficult in international water, the master, owner / operator or flagstack.

“In the case of Joy Pen 3, she is anchored, and coastal denters and sweethearm difficulties, and upcoming legislation.”

Yuzhun 3 left Europe, and the Baltic Sea continued to continue damage in the Baltic Sea.

December 25, December 25, December 25, the total of the total of the Russian Tanker is suspected to fly to the flag of the Islands.

Subsia Cables in subsesia, subcaes in subsesia cable (62 miles (62 miles (62 miles) dragged 100 km.

Unlike other cases, the Finnish authorities were the ship to the water and helped it.

The three crew members are currently during the travel ban, but the Eagle granted Finland last month.

The allegations N Nighteous Hermen Lungberg told Al Jazeera, “Nine weeks of the Finnish Police” were not found. “

Interactive-Subsaci-cable_jan 10_2025_ Nextive-eagles

The Battle of Russia in Ukraine will end up with US President Donald Trench, warning the intelligence of Finland, warning the resources of Russia and Sayons at the end of the competition.

“In various states, the proxy operators have recently become more important attractions of the intelligence and broad conditions. An instance of the European Intelligence Services is a example of Europe.

“Russia is trying to hide its tracks by using intermediaries. The Russian sabotage activities are aimed at the public opinion and to influence the meaning of public safety.

The Embassy of Russia in Stockholm did not respond to the request of the opinion.

Sea light Powell is likely to continue the activities against Cables.

This seems to be recent trend, China, Russia and others, because they are basically considered because the reaction will not be enough, “he said.

“How does the international community respond? How can Taiwan react? This is what happened to China or Russia that it is not intolerance?”

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