Who is narsisus?
– I recently read a book about personality defects, where Narsysissa was in the title “my order is your wish”. I think it is well reflected by the essence of this. Narsisus deals with people, so their interests will be fulfilled with a smile. He was exaggerated for himself and convinces his own specialty. Although looking objects, there is no specialty.
He is also an heir that he deserves everything. For example, if anyone does not pass in a row when someone does not go to a line when someone does not go to a line of wishes, he can do about it. He treats people to people who need items for special purposes – he exploits them like a lemon, and then throw them into the garbage. Nursi also decrease compassion and often do not profane or hurt someone.
Do a person who is a norcycistic feature that is a narsisist know?
– This is impossible. I don’t say that it will never happen, but can open such awareness of Narsisus and open for comments. Usually, when Narsisus faces a thing that destroys his image, it escapes it. He loves to go around himself with the title that fits to him in all circumstances. Meanwhile, if Narsisus goes to the therapy, it is not known to be unaware of all things, but to fight. If the Narsisus is considered as an authority, there is a chance here.
Is we born in such personality, will this environment affect her education?
– The environment is important. Of course, we can have some of the innermost tendenced, but this environment – especially when it is exposed to. This is usually a great deficit from a parent. So the child is trying to handle somehow in his skills. Another option is overprotive parents of all children’s movement, help them in all things, and never criticize them.
Since Narsci becomes happy for them, they too be happy?
– On the contrary, they are people who are extremely. When someone sees toxic patterns and gets the strength to drop them. It is difficult for them to create deep relationships. Even if they find someone who likes to submit to, they start trying to try the boundaries of this person, and how much they can afford. They are exaggerated so that the other is no longer to stand. Finally, he led to loneliness.
Meanwhile, they see themselves as people of success, but they are self-denial of unrighteousness, because it is not perfect as they want. The criticism of someone who sees they are valuable, their wells and confidence quickly destroys.
Does many people have some of the groups that can find a lot of narsisus?
– I think you can find some of the high-manager positions. Like psychopaths Narsysis can be well sold. At the same time handle with a severe hand and sentiment, it is unfortunately still valued in today’s world.
What if we realized that there is a relationship with narsisus?
– Run. It is impossible to exit a gradual from such a relationship because we will try various bonds to keep us with you. He does not care for us but maintains a good faith in himself or a good faith. There is nothing to deceive yourself how we will be resolved. It is best to take care of yourself.