All the elite wrestling returns to the reward of this night (the sun., March 9, 2025) their sixth anniversary Revolution Event. in Angeles, the first eighty PPV Los Angeles, was at 8 pm.
A Zero hour PRE-show Wrong and free from 6:30 pm et AT AT YouTube channel of all the eliteAll right Here In the seats in the cages.
The main card can be purchased Great,, Amazon, YouTubeSimilarly, the traditional PPV.
We will perform predictions from personnel HereA preview for the whole show Here.
Coji side seats will be provided with real-time match-by-match coverage Revolution Start the first match of the night and the right to the main event.
Have your shoes, rest and enjoy all activities with your favorite prom out website. Remember to maintain the refreshment!
EV Revolution 2025 quick results
- AUU Worse’s Championship: John Mexley (c) vs. Adam Copernant
- AU Women’s World Championships: Tire Tony Storm (C) Verses can Maria
- AU International Championship: Konosuke tickeshita (c) vs.nny omega
- Ospriy vs. will fletcher
- TBS championship: Mercedes Mon (c) vs.. Momo Vattanabe
- AUTAG Team Championship: Hurting Syndicate (C) Vs.
- Mjf vs. Hangman Page
- Sweiye Stickland vs. recoCoccet
- Continental championship: Casoccika Ocada (c) vs. Broodi King
- Raw World Championship: Chris Jerry (C) vs. gravity
- Orange Kaziyy, Big Boom AJ & Mark Brisco vs. Johnny TV & MXM Collection
- Daniel Garcia and disputed vs. Shane Taylor Promotions
- Commander and Hologne def. Lee Johnson Christians & Blake
EV Revolution 2025 live blog & match coverage
Before the best in the business, travel here for the first 30 minutes before taking the best in the business. The Standard Roundown is the Bantar between the Pre-Show Panelists, RJ City, Jeff Bruit & Paul Sir. They joined a pair The Queen of the Ring If the actress plugs the image (a pseudo-out clothes of one of them).
The business is taking the business when Harley is joined, then invites QU T Marshall camera. Some shadowing matter of celebrity wresters, it gets the attention of Heazers. They will tie a collar and tie-up to express the skills of the Vitakar, but when he goes, the stigration will be thrown down. So it will be the future PPV pre-show competition. Talking about …
Blake Christian & Lee Johnson Varescale Hologne and the Comander
Alternative sections are jumping Luchairers as vertical sections, but Lam is still a big popping the Lam and the Hologram. We collinistered the collision of collision and collided the collision of the collision of the face of the facet-peril. Fly Lee & Blake to prove the best of them with the best of them. When the finish senior jumped out of the back of the Christian, she had a fire-to-one fireman’s shoulders in Joneson. The Commander will be practiced outside to ensure that the large shotty was unable to separate …
Comer & Hologram Diff. Lee Johnson & Blake Christian Pinyinfalit (Hologram in Christian language) is 450 splash)
This is the guilty, there should be a rule. Must have criminal and a lot. You don’t get anything for anything, tell me, and who can you trust? We’ve got what we need, so you got my lust, so I’d rather “stunning” scene drupoop here, promote prosperity to people.
“Red Dawn” Daniel Garcasia & Tarkawa, Cal, Kyle Shane Taylor Promotions (Carly Bravo, Lee Morrilla, Shane Tilanla, Bank. Shin Dean)
“Dad Magic” Matt Minarers will join the interpretive boots for this.
Strong and bold, and the country of the country of Oriyali, Control and Carlie. In Garcia, he ends in the wrong side of the town, shot to go to Taylore, but his milk is returning to the ring to fight against him! In the cornerle in the windmill, quick tags red death.
In the attack of Daniel’s neck, the foot drop from the shore and pressed the attack and tore up a back and tags in Big Man. Call to Moriarty’s call, covering two, cover two, cover two, and the firefembers carrying knee-knocks’ arena contest ”
On top, Garcia Tags Before he can do something, double legs and dragentmar! Roady and Kayill from STP are released and release the call with a superkeek and release the call with a superkeek and taylor dismissed.
Daniel Garcasi and the disputed country won by the dragandam from Garcaum in Lee Morrirth.