Justin troo’s full talk before the Liberal Leadership change

‘We show it liberals as we try to count us’

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Outtava Prime Minister Justin Turudo spoke of the Liberal Leadership Convention of Ottawa before declaring the final votes. Read the entire text of the conversation in the English below:

Hello, my friends. When I look across this room, I have only one question: How is the liberal party doing tonight? Sit now. Now, I can talk to you and you will talk about everything we get together. I am proud to commend me to the middle class and people who work hard to join in the middle class, but tonight, about our future tonight, this is a party as a party.

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Now, our friends are criticizes that we know that we are in liberals, as a government, criticize the success. After we got any big things, we really do something big, then we move to the next challenge. Because as it progresses like liberals, we know that there is always more to do. Therefore, it is important to take time to reflect and share large successes. Not tonight, this is not tonight, because we are always focusing on one thing. Simply put it, that is the rest of us a life for the rest of it.

This is very simple. Liberals are dedicated to this country, because it is broken because it is broken because it is broken because it is a chance and a responsible for us. These past years now – for the last 10 years – crising and Creses are crisis after throwing the Canadians. But the Canadians showed who canadians through all crises. We pulled together. We get up and standing up. Each time we have gone more powerful. Now, through the Canadians – from the neighboring – from the neighbor – the Canadians showed what we have made!

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Canadians shows us to the Canadian, not by defining yourself, not by defining yourself, but proudly accepting what we are. We know everyone’s basic rights is the only way to protect our freedom. We are a country that believes that no one is a real and reasonable shot in success. We are a country to accept the wrong choice between a strong economy and healthy atmosphere. It is a country that receives reconciliation and indigenous people because it is the only trail for shared future.

We are a country where we celebrate the right of each one, praying for them and to love those who love them. We are a country of resisting the right to choose a woman. We can, we will be diplomacy when we can, but fight when we grow old. But you know about fighting against you here, and our colleagues looking across this room and our colleagues looking across the country. When going hard to go, you remember where we are at home for just 35 seats 15 years ago. You remember and the downfall of us, all of the times when people have calculated us, as our party tries to calculate, we show our true combination.

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I think about two friends, especially with me, with me, in all ways, in all ways, in all the ways – unusual Adam Scottite, which is unusual Adam Scottite. When I look at you all in this room, no talk to as much as you want to be and I want to thank you and thank you as much as you want. I can’t even offer you a deserving break, because we need you once more. You need you need more than ever, because you will answer the call because you did this before. Liberals will see this moment! You will do no wrong, this is the moment this is accomplished.

Democracy has not given you. Independence has not been given. Canada is not given. None of them happen accidentally. They will not continue without effort. It requires courage; That requires sacrifices; This requires hope and hard work. Sixty years ago, Sainup Parliament Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Standing Hill Birth B Pearson first raised our beautiful Maple leaves to the Canadian sky. It was very discussed at that time, but we all knew that the mores knew well: Our flag will define the next chapters in our national story. Sixty years later, there is still to write several chapters, and I can tell you, I would like to look at the world to do what the Canadians doing.

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So do not abide in all the great things we have gained for the last ten years. Instead, you can gain more than the next 10 years and come for decades. Let’s stay steady and continue with arrogant and unity, don’t think about our party. We can prove our love for the country. Your leader, as your Prime Minister, I did great for every day, helping the Canadians every day helps to grow a qualified country eligible. I have done this for the savior for the Ella Grace and Hastrine, I did it for your kids. I did it with you, even though you are always cheering with you, their future and your future is in your hand now. Mersey, Mess Amis, Mercy.

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