Harichav Museum confirmed the vi version of Lunnat-time gastromic days.
These days combine tradition, gastronomy and the solidar, they provide a culinary places in the city fellow humans. Sponsored with different institutions each day and walks in spaces of historical and cultural value.
Business March, DRINDVV day. March 21 March. Miguel Hernnean Day Day. On April 11 April 11th, April 11th is held in Sanitar.
Finka Peiko Del-Dec Teuyooms, the famous of the traditional Guestronomy, will be prepared from the Cabrera’s menu from the career of the traditional Gastronomy. On April 11, in Santo Domingo, it will be prepared in the menu. The price of each day will go to 40 40 levels and a part of the income.
Calling (+34) 966 744 089, Musei D Same Same Same Same Same Same Santa or an email RESVAS@seansansantioriorioriorihule.St. Each day should take a payment payment payment and collection within Thursday. The payment was valid by the bank exchange payment. Each week, menus will be published each day, promise traditions in traditional cooking.
The day’s culture and Gastronomic Heritage, which have been declared international tourism, declared to be a criteria of the day.