The date of the year of the year of Auschwitz is the date of

The March March March will be held on April 24, which is commended to the victims of the Holocaost – Auschivitz Museum of Ausium of the Auschwitz Museum will be played.

The ceremony is traditional falls Through the Memorial Day of Exsterans (Joma-Sarova)Whose date in the Gregorian calendar moves.

It falls in 2025 80th Anniversary of the liberation of German Auschwitz camp, the character of the Holocaust. During the war, the Germans killed one million Jews in it.

Former German Camp Oceans in Oceans, former Auschwitz II-pari-brer-brer-brer-brerkena will participate in the three kilometers of three kilometers in front of the II-Bircana AUThe main ceremony will be held there. Every year participants participate in thousands of people. They are mainly around the world. With a group of hundreds of Polish youths with them.

During the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish of the Polish. They will learn the history of Polish Jews. In Jom Ha-Soa’s festivals, in the feast of Jom is the end of the March Scheme between the previous camps.

Walked in 1988 on the first March 1988. Next to each two years, since 1996. 20,000,000 attended. People including representatives from 50 countries. Poland and Israel’s presidents and Prime Ministers include marches, Nobel Prizes.

Germany was performed to prevent poles in the 1940s. Ashwitz II-Bircan AU was created two years later. As a place where it is the elimination of the Jews. There was also a chapaces in the camp complex. In Aushvitites, Germany kills 1.1 million people, mainly Jews, Roma, Roma, Soviet prisoners and other nationality.

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