Beirut (AP) – the death toll from it Two-day encounters Between Syrian security force and loyal Existing president Bashashar Assad More than 1,000 revenge killings, said a war monitoring group on Saturday, which is one of the time of violence since Syria’s friction started 14 years ago.
In addition to 745 civilians, there are 745 civilians in the UK-based Syrian Observatory in the UK-based Syrian Observatory for 745 civilians. According to the report, electricity and drinking water were cut off in large areas around the country.
Thursday explodes, the new government in Damascus, the rebels were excessive from power to the rioters.
The government said they are responding to attacks from Azad’s ruins and to blame “individual activities” for widespread violence.
Penual killer between Sunnis and Alway
The Sunni Gannars have begun on Friday, the Murders of Hayath Tahrir Al Shaham, is the main setback for Hayath Tahrir al Sham. Alwas built a large portion of the Assad’s support base for the decades.
Alwiti villages and towns talked to the Associated Processors about murders, most men and gates of their homes. The two residents of Syria told the AP from their hiding places from their hiding places to spoil many houses and set fire in various areas.
They asked that gunmakers would not have their names to be advertised, and they asked if thousands were joined the nearby mountains.
Residents talk about the violence in a town
One of the most evil towns in the most wicked towns were on the left and the bodies in the streets and the roof of the bodies in the streets and the roofs of the buildings were unable to collect them. A resident said the gunmen were blocked not to move the bodies of five of his five of his five.
The 57-year-old residents of the violence, 57-year-old residents and colleagues have passed out on Friday, over their shops or homes.
In Azad’s government, the attack of the attack minority called “Varvarglary killings” attack. Foreign fighters, foreign fighters, cities and militants from the neighboring villages.
“It was very bad. Sheh said he was talking over the phone to examine the bodies, at least 100 miles (12 miles) from her apartment. He said he was stolen.
The death increase has increased
The observation chief Ramitha Abdul Rahman said that Prayer killings were stopped early on Saturday.
In the time of Syrian stones, Abduran said about the murder of the Aalavat civilians.
The previous figure given was more than 600 dead. No official figures have been released.
The four Syrian security forces in the northwest village in Al-Mahabea, killed in the clash of Syria, after killing the clashes. Participants participated in the funeral event.
Official reports say that the Syrian troops regain control
Syria’s State News Agency, a non-defense ministry, is a non-defense ministry, which is not a non-defense ministry, which has not been a major part of the majority of the Assam most of the privileges. It also added that authorities have closed all roads that lead to the coastal of the coastal and establishing the coastal.
On Saturday morning, the bodies of 31 people were restored in a huge grave. The killing of nine children and four women involved nine children and four women, were shipped by a white pit covered with a large pit.
In Parliament, the Lebanasees Hyder Nasser, held one of the two seats, held in Parliament in Parliament. He said he had no exact numbers.
Nasser said many of the Russian Airmages were sheltered in Homimmin in Syria. When the fall of Azad, many lovers were killed from their jobs and were killed in their jobs and were killed in some soldiers who were killed with the new authorities.
Under Assadhad, army and security agencies stare better posts for the alarms. The new government has blamed faithful on the new security forces in the last several weeks.
France expressed “its deep concern in Syria”. On the basis of religion, the violence against civilians condemn the violence against the prisoners, “its foreign affairs said on Saturday.
France asked Syrian to ensure that free inquiries were “complete light in these crimes”.
When the government’s powers started to prevent an wish near coastal towns, the latest confrontations, the most recent encounters, and Azad fades.