The movement is life
The longevity is undoubtedly determined by hormones. More testosterone in humans promotes chronic stress, it accelerates the old age, it accelerates the old age, and the risk of premature death. That’s why they live slightly. Saves them by estrogen. – However, in age, especially during menopause, we have a cheating protection, since the years, there has been a heartbroke or other cardial issues in the young women. However, the statistics of women and men in this medicine will be equivalent, and then women will be more infected – later. National Advisor, a national advisor, Family Medicine flashesprovers, Migzes. – That’s why women eat medicine, according to the recommendations of the doctors, change your current lifestyle – because it’s life because we can forgive some sins in the diet.
According to age, women need more movement than young, more than men. – They should remember about strength training as our muscles disappear. Women are always less than men, more fat, but also, and we will lose massive diet and fonderful medicines. That is why physical activity is very important – Prof. Massalurs-Migas.
One year ago, the University of the University of China, showed that scientists of the University of China gets more benefits than men. Experts recommend to spend 75 minutes for a week or intensive exercise for moderate exercise, make up the expertise to spend 75 minutes at least twice a week. Due to a week, moderate deaths per week decrease premature death of 140 minutes per week.
Another threat is cancer. – Their risiness increases with age. Women are more often breadtheless, lungs and large intestinals, not only breastfeeding, but also a great relationship with food – professive. Mastalerz-migas, but agree that you can’t protect yourself. – We cannot eliminate all carcinogenic ingredients. They are not only in very processed food and red flesh – Prof. Massalurs-Migas.
Untimulting immunity
Men often suffer themselves more people for more people, ie. The immune system appears to identify and attack the cell cells in the body. This diseases affect women, which is estimated to 80%. More first times more women are sick in systemic laupes in the systemic Luppuse Erithosematosas, and a person is sick for women.
– Causes of self-immune diseases, complicated and fully understanding. The women’s immune system is known to be slightly different than men. It is believed that the defective gene control of the X chromosom is playing a role in women in sexual hormones, genetic past. But this does not explain everything, for the genitals of Soriasis or Soriasis arthritis, women are sick – Prof. Dr. Hub. N medal. I n. O
However, the womanhood does not know how to affect the life of women. Six years ago, scientists in New York’s Cross, said the body was running out of the body during pregnancy. Learning details of the study “National Academy of Sciences of Sciences are described in Pages”
However, fatigoning in pregnancy passes through the course of time, over time, there are scientists from the Yale School of Medicine. “Cell Metabolism” They published the results of the study of study, accelerating the effectiveness of the pregnancy – from pregnancy to pregnancy, about 20 weeks, organic age increases for about two years. However, there is an important opposite of adverse changes after delivery. After three months, scholars examine the same women, during eight years, during the organic period, some women have found very large decline. However, they cannot explain whether the organic age is reduced after delivery, or is the results of pregnancy, or pregnancy for pregnancy.
Or scientists from the Boston University School of Medicine are prescribed from the Boston University School of Medicine. They showed that later motherhood and long life. In July last year, they published the results of the study results in the magazine “menopause.
They decided that a later child’s birth is not increased in life, but the reproductive system will grow older. They may owe it with some genetic variants supporting more reproductive skills and longer life. New England leaders studying the scientists who started scientists from Boston in 1994 in Boston in 1994 in Boston.
From the University Lide of University, Newelies Van Berde and the health status studied the relationship between women’s reproductive health. He showed that the 22-day birth is associated with the end of the last child’s birth. His calculations show that 17 months lived as little as they were 40 years after birth.
Scientists from Caroline Institute of Caroline firm believes at the Caroline firm that but a child’s life can expand for more than 1.5 years, and the men are more than two years. Dr. According to the main author of the study. Carinine Modigie, it’s not caused by genes, but the support of parents from parents. Thank you for children, they are more socially active in the age of old. This is not only a well-effective and general.
The skins, laser and fillers
However, women are not only longer than women, pain and illness, in addition to a young form. – The basis of the young form is a comprehensive approach to healthy diet and physical exercises, healthy exercises. Vallata and the skin are applied to makeup, especially liquid and from the mineral dust. – Value it every day is worthwhile, clean the skin with ultrasound, once a week, once a month, eat chemical. These treatments can be combined with Mesotherapy, rich plasma or laser plasma – Prof.
Mesotherapy, rich plasma and used to produce the collagen and elast, and stimulating metabolism and improve the concealment. – Surely, since the most powerful biologist and rectrums of tissues are used for sleepers, the other than sleepers, but if they use firms – although they contain firm improvement and general skin. – Prof. The disput.
Laser treatments are also revitalized. – You should remember that there is no universal lacers and every layerer has no different intention. Sometimes the bowls of the face or legs, for others fitness of hair and others are used for others, bark and revitalization. After these last procedures, the patient should usually stay with a fractional laser, because the patient is often red and swollen, later, later stage disputes. Is it worth it to such a procedure? – Surely, patients with blazing skin, states a lot of small wrinkles, color or color or color. The disput.
The young look and fillers should be given, e. Halroornic acid is used for the edit, which is used for corrective, and it is used for corrective, volume and modeling face or filling wrinkles or wrinkles. – But this is not a reality of everyone, not in all stages of life. Filler is a substance that we serve under the skin. Do not give it to people with self-immune diseases. However, filler is a foreign body and can lead to a way or another in one way – Prof. The disput.
Boluminum Tax has bad disadvantage. – Patients taking some drugs (eg, aminoglycocides, aminoGlicocides, aminoGlicocides, aminoGnones, cyclosheporine), or specific auto-immune diseases. Miaacinia or Lambenian syndrome. In the toxicity or adults of pregnant women, we do not get too light toxic because of pregnant women, because the patient will not expect. This is the sympathetic of money, but also the other methods will be improved. In such cases, we recommend the surgery lifting, and then the effect will be and longtime – Prof. The disput.
Some drugs can also increase and increase in infections, auto-immune disease. For example, the first of the upper respiratory tract infections, especially the streptococcal e infection. Waleca and recommendations – Vaccinations if possible. – Adults often affects from children. Therefore, if someone over 50 is associated with children or large human clusters, he should be given vaccination in accordance with many diseases, including a number of diseases, including the age of 50, lungs, lungs or myocardial muscles – the disput.