Syrians describe terrorism in disabled sectarian violence

Since the start of a street in the Syrian coastalia, they grow up the block before the building of a street in a street in a street in Baniania.

The first people to die were Abrah Ali’s neighbors, Ibrahim al-Ish, his wife. Then Ibrahim, nour sister, nour, and hazar, their mother, came to Salem. After that, Abu Ali’s sister, the Shares and the Rate Pharahas. And his next neighbor, Menkar Ali, his wife Fatima. All shot up the head with a swift bullet.

She hit the gunshot Abu Ali’s door. When he opened it, they asked his name on the chest in the chest.

“I was the only reason I escaped I was able to convince them, he said that I was Sunni and not Alli.

When hundreds of the coastals of the coast areas, the incidents of Bali’as were part of the violent sporious condition of beautifulists.

In December, Assad’s exposition, wars represent the deadly attack on the new government forces in December 14-year civil war. Interim President Ahmad al-Shara will raise the new questions and to prevent the country from what was thought to be a sectarian communic war.

Although the majority of the beach was a minority of the country’s always, minority-sect and 10% of the country’s 10% of countries, but the members formed the spine of the Sector. Attacks spread to her houses and homach and the mixed category communities.

It says that about 532 people were killed that more than 732 people were killed in more than 532 people, including 532 civilians, including 532 civilians.

125 civilians, another war monitor said Thursday and Friday, including national executions on Thursday and Friday.

Despite the accused of the Assam government’s armed debris, some of the civilian killings have been approved by the unwise sections of civilian killings.

“The ruins of the former government tried to try the new Syria,” Al-Shrah said the gunmen and said the gunmen and told the gunmen and said in a television address.

“You attacked all Syrians and did not attack sin. The response has come and you could not face it.”

Fear of bloodshed, fresh authorities, the country is afraid of a collapse of conflict since 2011.

Reports of sectarian fuel massacre and many people in the United Nations and many human rights moved International Octroobri from a raft.

The Israeli Defense Minister began opinions on the comments of Israeli Defense Minister, who was revealed by the “Al-Shaara” mask and revealed his real face.

“Israel will defend yourself against a threat from Syria,” he said the Israeli military will not allow the Syrian government to enter the southern part of the country.

As Kanag, an Assam encountering in the village of Assam, on Thursday afternoon on Thursday afternoon. After a replacement with the villagers, the 16 government fighters died in the Left.

It was the beginning of the faithful actress of the country in the northwest of the country.

After that attack, a group was released with a group with a group in a group, released a group to reject the new government. Meanwhile, protest over the dominant areas of dominant areas.

The government responded to weapons trapped from the government planned sections. It was used by artillery and helicopters to make the residues of the Asad Sena that some activists have been told in civilian houses. A widely shared video – a video that does not check it – the better adults to show the government’s activities.

Such sections of the sectors and activists said.

In a village in the Latia province, it shows a video showing the guns that are destroyed by unarmed men. Following a gunman who seems to be a civilian, then shooting him in the leg, then the foot, and chest. Another shows a fighter who is torturing a torture fighter, ordered to bark for the camera. According to Syrian observity for human rights, the bodies show a video from the streets of the streets.

Videos could not be verified to check the Times but the activists spoke to rural villages on the coast of Syria.

“When I talk to you now, her house is in her house. He blocked his last name for fear of revenge.

After Rampast, the fighters are planned and stealing the cars and steals. Local news reports say that 200,000 vehicles were stolen among violence.

“After they shot my sister my sister, I heard them loading the fridge and washing machine from her house,” said Abu Ali. He sent the photos of his next door, sister and her children in their homes.

Alavan is enabled from the dominant areas of a prominence, thousands of struggle, thousands of fighting. Others fled to the Russian base near the Hobbim near the Hobbim. Meanwhile, relatives published in social media, the names and pictures of the killing in violence. Others called crazy from family members and friends.

In the press of Alagad in December, many people remain away from the new leaders of Syria. The Idan-era safety services, the Assad involved the worst violations against opposition against the ruling of Assad; Many people are afraid of revenge from the Sunni Hard-Line sections of the Assad Sena.

In the last year last year, the government began the nationwide reconciliation drive to adjust the level of the UD-Linked officials. But it merges security services and expelled public officials.

By the evening, the situation regained control of the situation and the urban withdrawn.

Everyone who violated during operations was made “fair experiments” and arrested those who have been arrested for recent events.

“Statement from the Ministry of Syrian Defense”

“For those who don’t understand it yet, we will specify it again” said in battlefield.

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