The similar cookies and technologies we use in the mediapart are of different characteristics and allow for different purposes.

Some are essential for the operation of the site and mobile use (you cannot deny them). Others are preferred, but help your reader or reader to facilitate the experience, and support the media in a way. According to their purposes you can deny them or accept below.

Do you agree that MediaPard uses similar cookies or technologies for the following purposes?

You can make your choice for each type by processing or deactivating the switch button.

Essential for operation
Site or application

These tools are essential to monitor the functioning of our services and their proper functioning: the link of subscribers, the measurement of anonymous visitors, sending push notifications, tracking fractures, and highlighting our services.

These tools allow the site attendance statistics and mobile usage to understand the use of applications, detect any problems and improve the workpiece of our products.

There is no ad in the media. But we encourage our content and services on other sites and social networks. For this, we use technologies available by some advertising players.

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