Despite the overall decline in nuclear weapons, the number of functionally used nuclear weapons increased from 3,720 to 3,825.

There are signs of collapsing in nuclear weapons since the end of the Cold War, a great research institute said that Russia and the United States seem to be more important to nuclear weapons in their security policies.

Nine nuclear weapons states-America, America, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea-have 13,080 nuclear weapons, in its annual report published on June 14, Stockholm International Peace Research Organization (Chipri). RFE/RL wrote.

That number refers to a slight decrease from 13,400 weapons that hold these states in early 2020.

ReadThe US Security Intelligence Agency releases a report on threats from RussiaHowever, the number is waiting for the removal of retired warships, without which the combined military reserves of the nuclear weapons rose from 9,380 to 9,620.

The United States and Russia were still more than 90 percent of all nuclear weapons, which are sufficient to destroy the life on Earth many times.

Despite the decline in nuclear weapons, the number of functionally used nuclear weapons has increased from 3,720 to 3,825, Chipri said.

Of these, about 2,000 people were placed in a “high functioning warning,” and they are all from Russia or the United States.

While the US and Russia continue to remove retired warships, it is estimated that the two have about 50 nuclear warships in the operational sequence at the beginning of 2021 than a year ago. Britain and France have warships that can be used.

Cipri does not provide values ​​of the number of warships used by other nuclear states.

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