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Ochch-Quape to hold a press conference outside the Brassbridge Hospital at 10:00 am on Monday

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The Brace Bridge, before the Ontario-Province election, refers to the crisis in Ontario’s health care line outside the hospital stretchers outside the Brassbridge Hospital:

– 1,860 people in stretches in hospital halls will end the Hallway Medicine from 826 on June 2018.
– 2.5 million citizens without a family doctor
– Patients who die without painkillers and medicinal products
– 250,000 people waiting for surgery
-Nearly 50,000 people waiting for long -term maintenance
– Fixed er shuttle in small cities

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“Crisis in health care affects almost every family,” says Michael Harley, president of Kube’s Ontario Hospital Associations (Ochch-Quu). “The entire health sector is shocking. There is no end to employee shortage; closures, surgery or long -term care beds or for a family doctor or appropriate home care services. We hope to ensure that this election is focusing on this crisis.”

By 2023, Muscoga Alongon’s Health Care (MAHC) operated 90.7% of the capacity, above the maximum bed occupation level of more than 85%. According to Ochch-Qua’s analysis, MAHC should add 19 beds to achieve safe occupation conditions.

The latest data of the MaHC, ER patients, shows the average waiting for 23.7 hours, and only 23% of them are allowed within eight hours.

The union warns that cuts are already going on in many hospitals HamildtonOvarian QuelbleAnd Burlington, They are hook under the weight of the developing patient and inadequate funding.

Harley says that Harley, who pointed out that a person’s hospital fund in Canada is very low in Canada and that we have very few beds and hospital staff in the population, “Harley says that it is not surprising that the record of hospital congestion is increasing.

Every day about 2,000 patients receive care in stretchers in unusual places such as hallways and storage hiding, which increases 125 percent from June 2018 When Ford was elected on promise to end Hallway Health Care.

Harley says that the hospital congestion compromises the safety of the patient and staff, causing delays in admitting patients, high risk of nosocominal infections and high workloads. Also, it is being treated in halls without privacy, which is looted by Ka ITY.

“There were 250,000 people in the waiting lists for last year’s surgery,” Harley says. “There are 2,000 people in stretches today. Begging for a bed. Immunist patients die at home without painkillers. As a province, we have to do the best for our citizens.”

“The next government must implement real solutions.”

The union recommends the following solutions to solve the health crisis:

– Enhance the hospital capacity that applies to the needs of the aging and growing population by adding hospital beds.
– Remove the Employee Crisis by improving compensation and work conditions, and offers free education to students in Nursing and BSW programs
-He complete the private sector distribution of a long -term, long -term maintenance and community health services
-How contracts from services throughout the safety security, run LTC and home maintenance on a public, non -profit basis
– Expand the use of nurse trainers to guide primary care clinics


Michael Harley (Ochch-cup) of the Kubes Ontario Council of Hospital Trade Unions

Sharon Richar, Ochch Secretary-Movement

What is:

The sequence of hospital stretchers to alert the health crisis

Where is:

Southern Muscoga Memorial Hospital, 75 on St., Brace Bridge

When: when:

February 10th Monday 10am

See the original version at



For more information:
Robert Murdog


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