
Judge Andrea Telmastro’s Deputy Secretary of the office in January 2023 is widespread reports of the story of the story of the anarchist Alfredo Kosado.

The judges of the eighth joint division of the Rome Court concluded that, he was sentenced to eight months to the government. Another conflict between Togas and the administrator is a phrase.

“I am confused, and the verdict is actually” I wonder if the prime minister is based on the merits of Meloni, and then responds to the demands for the resignation from the opposition: “Underline and is in its place”.

“I believe that there is a judge in Berlin, but I have not resigned,” the words of the immediate foreign investment after the court ruling declare the punishment as “politics”. “I am not betraying – he also says – with reforms to provide other justice to our children from tomorrow.”

The decision came after an hour of the church room This breaks out what the lawyer has demanded, and he asked the accused to release the accused in the absence of a subjective organ, ie deliberately misbehavior: According to Telmastro, according to lawyer Pavlo, Ilo, when he revealed them, they did not know that they were confidential news. A study has already been revealed in the request for the filing of the hearing, and the trial of the capital has been rejected by the judge.

Most people make a square around the Deputy Secretary. Minister of Justice Carlo Nortio says, “Distant and grieving for a sentence that affects one of the loving and most talented cooperatives.” “Total hope for Andersbury” adds to the leader of Via Aranula’s Decasteri, and he warns: “We will continue to work together for the essential and urgent reforms of justice.”

On the other side of political sorting, the opposition parties question the Prime Minister. “He must resign,” says Eli Shlin, Secretary of the Democratic Party, while M5S Cuisheb Gonte’s president is “the main culprit of this serious course.” As for Mateo Renzi, the leader of the IV, the question is, “Someone like the Telmaster is not worthy of government to say, and not for his beliefs.” Angelo Pomegali, editor of the complaint, AVS and Co -Portavas and the investigation, said, “This right has no respect for companies, and exploited in this case to spread secrets with the aim of attacking the opposition.”

At the center of the procedure, there are some reports by the Vice President of Gopasir in Parliament and the Manager of FDI Two years ago in February. Telmastro’s party colleague declared the content of conversations in the Air Haver in Sasari’s jail between Goshensa – and then the protagonist of the long -appetite strike against the hard prison regime – and the camera prisoners and ‘Entrangeta, 41 BIS. The information he had from the party’s partner was that he had a delegation for the DAP. The announcement by Danselle’s Deputy Secretary was part of a information of the prison administration, in which the terms “limited spread” were pasted, prepared on the basis of observing prisoners, and asked to see the same Telmaster. The negotiations indicated that a man against the hard prison became a common war between mafia bosses and anarchists.

The judges used general quenching auxiliary curtains, suspension of punishment and used for a year from public offices. On the other hand, the demand for compensation made by four Democrat MPs attacked in the classroom in the classroom by the civil parties, who met in the Sasari jail. The same deputy secretary asked during the operation. “If a document comes to me without classification – he said at the hearing on December 12 – I can use it.

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