
The good health of the roses and the green flower is not just a proper care or planting. This flower will feel depressed next to some plants.

We tell you that no trees and plants are planted well near the roses, because the flowers are blooming and sick.

“Neighbors” are bad for roses and they should not be planted in a area of ​​flowers

  • Dahlia. It is not recommended to plant a Dahlia with roots that grow very quickly near the rose shrubs. The flower easily captures the area where rose shrubs sit and compete for nutrients.
  • Rododendron – This is a plant that wants acidic soil, and such an earth does not root the rose. So, one of these flowers will die.
  • Birch and coniferous plants. It is known that the needles make the soil acidic and the rose does not like it. There is also a thick shade from the trees, which can have a bad effect on the growth and development of shrubs. In addition, the birch has a thick root system that does not allow the rose to absorb nutrients from the soil.
  • Chernobyl, calendula, medical chamomile. All plants with sharp odors, including spicy herbs, are secreted in strange ingredients in the soil that slowly and the growth of the rose. These plants have sharp fragrances that can smell the garden of the queen of the garden.


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