I IntentionA Mild sleep E d Good quality: That Dreams ProfileMore accurately than the individuals They remember dreams Made at night. This is marked by a study led by Valantina Els of Luke’s IMT School High Studies, Released In the Psychology Magazine, it analyzed sleep and dreams 200 volunteers From 18 to 70 years It proves that Dreams do not accidentally remember You can exercise to do that.
“I Many i Factors Who affects dreams and not easy to identify them because it is necessary to trust a large portion of the same person’s testimony to analyze them, but some can be identified Common features“, The first writer of the University of Camerono Ansa. Elce. More than 200 participants in research Between 2020 and 2024 Have them Recorded their dreams daily For 2 weeks during data Gum And related to Sleep They were monitored using Devices wear And the test Psychometric. Participants were given a voice recorder to tell the experience of sleep in awareness, and they refer to that they remember or not dreaming, and if they remember the content of the dream or they only had a look without remembering its details.
“It was revealed To keep the dreams well remembered They are all over all the Positive attitude Toward dreams, ie, one who focuses and one Inward trend. M.A. It is not clear – noticed elce – the Cass-Efet NeglThat is, if the memory is due to these trends or vice versa, the experience of dreams inspire people to investigate their dreams ”.
This study also highlights how the people who enjoy enjoying Periods And Long Of Mild sleep One High probability Of Remember dreams when you wake up In memory I can affect cognitive abilities. Remembering the contents of dreams is really above all things Young. “We also noticed that it was Possibility Do something Improve memory of dreams“And” completed an excellent training Elce. Before waking up, it focuses on the experience of sleeping on awareness.
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