
Daily Mail: British tourists arrested in Tehran due to photo

Two British tourists were arrested and jailed in Iran’s Tehran due to a photo taken during the trip. It reports about it Daily mail.

Craig and Lindsay Forman’s life spouse is said to be about 50 years old. They came from East Sachex, but recently went to Granada of Spain, and from there they began their journey. They planned to come to Iran via Armenia and go to Pakistan. They wrote about their journey in accounts on social networks.

It is known that the British Foreign Ministry has warned passengers that visiting Iran for the owners of the British passport is dangerous. However, the couple got a more opportunity and decided on a motorcycle to cross the Muslim country.

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According to the Iranian government, the forms have not made any crime. The pretext for their arrest was taken by their photo. The incident occurred at the end of December 2024, so far behind the pair of wires.

It is thought that Iran wants to get something from the UK in exchange for the release of their citizens.

Formerly two Russian tourists I have complained Occupy behavior and the arbitrary of the police during the investigation in Pakistan. It is clear that Russian Slava Slawa Skolonia traveled around the Muslim country with his wife.


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