
A dead sperm is in front of the island of whale Crowd Viewed. The body was dragged by Massal fishermen in front of the Hornam port on Saturday, Wadan Maritime Security Center said. The animal that is 16 meters has died for some time. The young animal is expected to be very closely explored and later removed. The media had previously reported.

Experts warn: whale explodes to explode

The security station warned against the stench corporation, not even in the boat. “Because of decay gases, it is high in water and exploded in the back,” it says. “Under the pressure of gases, he exploded elsewhere.” In addition, according to the safety station Watan ocean In general, infection risks from the Kadavars.

Bot whales are the largest dental whales in the world, which is more than 20 meters long and sometimes more than 50 tons. According to the safety station, they are often under water for one and a half hours and can be dive to a depth of several thousand meters. If the sperm whales are lost in the flat North Sea, they are often trapped here – the last 30 sperm whales accidentally accidentally accidentally accidentally accidentally in the German Wadan Sea.

Potwalan’s location system is designed in the deep sea

Researchers who analyzed dead whales in 2016 consider that there was no reason for the beaches. A combination of different environmental factors led to the very close sperm to the beach. Researchers are missing any evidence of diseases or weakening.

But it is known: if the whales come on the edge of the North Sea, their location system will no longer work so well. Because sperm whales, otherwise dive up to a depth of 2,000 meters, are based on a sound via the Echo Solot – a system that is actually designed for the deep sea.

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