Canadian tariff Limururura Associacalyside buffito the small business owner

Although 25% tariffs were proposed in some Canadian products LateBusinesses that depend on cross-border trade

“This is a mess,” said Johannes Put a plantA plant and gift in Buffalo in New York. “One minute, oh, oh, and the next moment, I do not try to implement it on the next moment, ‘So I try to implement it,’ So it is tried to wait and wait.”

Breades of Buffalo-Naiagarh Falls The busiest of the country. It is roughly handled 15% Incoming trucks from Canada, 20% of incoming personal vehicles. However, the Canadian broadcast company recently reported the number of drivers that pass the US and the Canadian border Left last month Covid-19 don’t see.

Joannan Dominmeae said that many of the neighbors should not be able to see Canada as a special country. “We will have dinner and have dinner in expecting the border,” they said. “This is another town.”

For her business, the Canadian trade is crucial. “I ‘get plants from our local suppliers, and I said that Canada is Canada only for 30 minutes. They said the farmers will get one or two exports a week.

If the plants come into effect, a supplier suggests, but there is no others. “We will have to raise prices like this, and to hide those expenses,” Domingice said.

Use the audio player above to listen to her story.

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