In recent years, the result of gangs, tariffs and scholars are gradually grew up, and the Japan’s domestic system industry is running to rebuild the domestic semicurium industry.
In a time, the highest performance is dominated by high-performing electronics market and still praise some of the most cutting technology. However, Japan’s effectively allowed to take up the basic mussels in the 1980s, as the region is not very profitable during the 1980s. The international trade that allows Japan to rely on the imports is not imposed.
Casoo Suzuki Casato Suzuki, science and technical policy in Tokyo, the University of Tokyo. He spoke with CW- he pointed out the obstruction of the distribution of supply payments demanding coronavirus pandemic.
“If the domestic industry decreases the sudden lack of chips, we need his own dedicated supply,” he said.
Recently, the Japanese government’s urgency of the Japanese government raised the policies of the free TRAMP administrator and intercepting the new Donald Trump administration, Suzuki added.
Japan doesn’t go up up?
“The biggest single element of the government is to ensure financial security,” said Damien Thong, a specialist in the semiconductor sector in the semiconductor.
“Japan can be considered to maintain free capacity of the semiconductors to meet their own manufacturers,” he said.
The “I Boom” in the last few years attracted the attention of the government in the region, and added the trottle. However, despite this pressure, the thong believes that Japan is trying to recover the former position in the world as a dominant chipmaker.
“The government here is not trying to deploy global,” he said dw. “This wants to keep his own scale, at the same time, while performing here and other foreign companies come here and future own fabrication facilities for other foreign companies.”
Taiwan’s semiconductor teammen teams Sony, Dens
The two steps of Japan increases domestic production by adding the goals in mind. First of all, the global chip in the southern Taiwan Taiwan semiconductor is invited to connect with Sony and Auto modules. The 1.2 trillion yen ($ 8.01 billion) is $ 8.01 billion ($ 7.34 billion), $ 7.34 billion ($ 7.34 billion) and funded subsidies.
The plant produces 22 Nanometer and 28-nanametra chips used in cars and consumer electronics. Due to the need, TSMC said the second Fabrication plant would be built in the area because of the need.
The second component of the strategy was to create a new Japanese semi-congregation manufacturer’s rappidus. From 2022 to 2022 Japanese government agencies collect the new company to set up manufacturing facilities at Hokedo.
Rapidus works with IBM and Belgian Internization (IMEC) organization (IMEC) organization (IMEC) organization (IMEC) organization (IMEC) Organization (IMEC) organization. The government recently informed the UN of 100 billion UN under the 2025 budget.
The goal is to make State of Art Chips with other companies to ensure that Japan will continue to be a global player, “Susuki said.
The semiconductor sector is rapidly growing competition, especially artificial intelligence areas, electric vehicles, automated driving, drones, and others.
‘Last chance to revive’
The Taiwan manufacturers of the country dominates the global semiconductors is still excellent in producing machinery to build the articles. However, this technology was able to take over China at one point. Additionally, the Breakway province is the threat of Beijing in Taiwan.
Susuki says “Step up” to the challenge of the challenge, because the contest is “stadules’ to ensure self-sufficiency in chip production.
“Our achievements have the materials we need and the best ziumphantes needed equipment,” said Tokyo-based Professor.
The government sees the domestic industry as the last chance to revive the domestic industry, and we still have engineers and scientists, “Susuki said.
Edited: Darko Lamel