Blaires sentenced Japanese man for Japanese man for espionage

Masatoshoshi Nakaniyas alleged that the Japanese intelligence was shared with military facilities for Ukraine and sharing with military facilities.


The court in Belarus has jailed for a group of Japanese man in prison after working for the intelligence of Japan.

Massatoshi Nakanishi in the Belarus in July after arrested

After a two-month trial, the trial held behind closed doors, the Minsk city sentenced the court. Nakaniyi was convicted in association with the special service of a foreign state, who knows that the office of the Prosecutor of the country’s office in the country’s office.

He ordered to give a good amount equal to 6,130. Belarusian officials refused the request of Japanese Embassy in Belarus to participate in these steps.

The Embassy told Japanese media outlet NHK that Tokyo Minsky was in touch with Tokyo Minsky to promote Nakanishi’s immediate release.

Nakanishi lived in Gomal, the second largest city of Belarus since 2018. According to Belarusian state-controlled media, he taught in a local university.

The alleged program of Nakanishi was aired in September that the defeated program from Tokyo. Japanese authorities criticized the scheme, and it said that it was violated the rights of Nakanishi.

The Belarus’ NGO announced a political prisoner as a political prisoner and declared to Nakaniyani. The group says that Belarus is now over 1,200 political prisoners, and there are 36 foreign nationals.

Exported Belarusian Opposition Leader Sivayalana has criticized the sentence of sentenced by Sikky.

“Like other political prisoners, he was assigned to the state campaign,” she wrote on Monday.

In 2022, the Russian army allowed the neighboring Ukraine, depending on the country in 20 years of iron and support in the country for more than 30 years.

Lucoseno also allowed strategic nuclear weapons to deploy in the Belarusian area.

In Japanese sanctions was banned in Moscow war in Ukraine.

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