Dan Burn story is like the story from a movie – his fairtetal continues.
Big Man, a native of Big Man, a native of Newcastle, will work in Nukkas and worked in Asda as a 16-year-old teenager and was never working in the pro game.
A decade and half joined the Champions League, while the US Captain Closer was joined the US Captain Closer, Wembley.
Today, he talks to the Press in St. George Park, and a cup of final goal is proud again.
First facing the media on England HQ, Dan Burns first summarized the first words well. “I was certainly bad week!” He said he was.
He reveals his anxiety on Thursday night on Thursday night, reveal his anxiety on Thursday night, and how he can offer the new manager’s message to the new Manager’s message.
As always, he spoke like passion, talked like pride and the leader of men. View his first words below:
Dan Born responds his first England call-up after winning Newcastle Carobo Cup Pic.twitter.com/gxotoqqqqqqquj
– Sky Sports News (@skysortesnews) March 18, 2025
Burns clearly will be a great presence from a leadership point but he is not just in England to help the field.
After England call-up, after the dominant, the competition for places, 6 feet, 7 geordi revealed a ‘clean slate’ under a new manager.
“All the children are birded for me, but I tried to put my mind (Cup win) after the game of Sunday,” said Burn.
“Sunday is still drowning. I don’t think it’s going to do it for a long time. But now I can help my attention now.”
“I was one of the first of here. I played several times against these children. It’s friendly, but it is competitive.
“Listen, everyone wants to play for England, you know that play players in your position.
“That’s what makes people. Suppose people are comfortable and have a place for them, they can explode. This is a clean slate for everyone. You want to make an impression and play regularly in the manager. “
Burning discussed the burning of Nuthacasil and North East, Numlith and Darlington were his journey from the lower leagues.
He agreed that the area was often neglected, but he agreed to inspire his story and love for football in the coming years:
Crossed a small bit on football. There are no many teams in comparison to London.
“I am very proud of Newcastle and the northeastern side. I love to say where I’m from.
“I’m proud to be associated with these clubs from Blide Sparton to Darlington to Darlington.”