Raw, today appears in Belgium, Card, Jon Road and Dakota IV, and Ludwig Caesar
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Finn Batter, Bear Breakker, Bayanka Beller, Io Sky and Dakota Sky are all going to Arena.
Cory Graves and Michael Kali welcomes us raw.
John will go to the Sena ring. Due to the fans does not need permission, decorate the Sena and mic. For 25 years, he says he becomes a victim of abusive relationship and threatens his fans and he was unusused. He is talking about a lot, he hated him. He returned and he hates, and does not matter what he is doing, they need to be shy and take it up to himself. Zena put his values in line, wondering anyone “and what do we get?” No one should ask how he feels. He says we have nothing, we get everything we earned and we didn’t win anything. Now his time finally says. He speaks how the Cody Road to the Roads is all from him and turns things away from him and make it a funny. He said everyone is mad and how it was crazy and he won, no one else. Sena says this toxic relationship is terminating and does not do any thing. Cody Roads goes to the ring to face Sena. As ready to hear outside of Senas, he agreed to Kanagent, Rhodes and the case, he said to stop by complaints. He reminds us to Sena wwe champion and who he is? He tells Sena this version of Canaan, he does not like the Guzethania. He tells the real Sena to cope with real Sena in Manila. Running his meak, leaves, leaves, drops Sena in ring. Sena picks up a mile and leaves the ring.
Match 1 – Holds Barid Match: Ludwig Cairfer -vs- Pent
Men have the right hand side of the bell. Caiser is taken with a sliced and sent from the ring. Caiser throws Pentent in outer bikeds, to the babies with a pentala. Caiser takes out some chairs and puts in the ring, chewing penta cair, moving the ring from the inside. In the Declaration List of Penta, Penta and Kairer are cut into each other in the announcement list, and we get a commercially.
Penta top rope comes up to Caesar of Cross. A backstaur and covers of Penta Casser affects the next lake covers. Caiser captures Penta with a kick and struck a death door driver. The action heads outside the ring are smoked to pentent steel steel steels. Caiser is going for the Care Express but flip to Penta’s announcement list. Back to ring, Kaiser Pentent and Penta won Caesar Back. They are put in the middle of the rings and fall into the floor and the Penttee are falling on the floor and Caiser exploits him and the covers for two counts. Penta shocked a chair in the corner. Penta and Penta, now holding Penta and Penta, Penta, Penta now captured the chair and to hit Caesar. When Penta Superkiks hold Caesar, he holds Pentab and attack Pentai chair with the chair. The Mexican Distaur and Pental Driver arrived in Penta to win.
Winner: Penta
After the competition, Kathy will return to Penta. She asks what is next to him, he says next to the Intercontinental Championships.
Dakototta Kai is in the Sky Backstyle for the match against the Ivy Nile.
The first night of his rebellion is the best of his match to Backstage, Live Morgan and Rodriguez. Dominic Mysterio says, and she is not a idea, says Morgan Meetarial This will not be the best time. The grounder proposes that Pental is adding Penta on the Day of Judgment. He is called Mystekin.
Match 2: Dakota Kai -vs-vy Nile W / American
The Chad Gable comes out before the competition rings. Money rings and hand attacked the Nile River from the bat and runs the clothing line of the Nile River. Stabbed in the middle of the Nile to the ring. German Seputhex and covers of the Nile Ringpost beat two after throwing throw. Hand knols for two counts. Nile to Nile with the hand clubs from the corner, some punches and kicks. Boot the Nile in the corner of hand and Nile from the ring. Kai goes for suicide, but the Gable reflects her from Apron and Nile to KDT KDT, Charged Girl Chave. In ring, hand hits the GTK and get success.
Winner: Dakotot Kai
Alas moves to the sky for signing in the contract for the title of the Razlemania. Biana Benites later joking and pears the drawing in the ring. Pears open the floor to the floor before signing. As the women’s World Champion and Sky, Sky Balaeith says because of the women’s world champion and sky. Balaier says that in the sky that always respected with the sky. She guides Sky and she tells the sky because she will wish you sky and tell the Est and the Agreement. Ria Ratni changes. Simply smacking last week and how she has a problem with what she deviates from Belens. The list of contract signs Headbuts Beley and PowerBomps Skyit is ready to start Blesser. Then the contract is then marked and marks it. The Pierce riply is driving the sky and the sky from the ring.
Backstage is going on before his match before his match. He runs out in Ganthand in Ganthander where the USA is entering the USA’s face but the officials break them.
Match 3: Jai USO -vs-Austin Theory w / Grayson Wall
Bell ring and the valor that allows the theory to get the first shots. USO can take the theory with cross-body and covers for success.
Winner: Jai USO
After the match after the competition, the USO Supercix is trying to dive theory and boating it. The race is back in the race and attacks the USO, but this time the USO gets the Guntered with the ring with the title.
Adam actress Adam Pieries argue about signing the contract signing. Biaka balanier runs and attacks the Bayanka Balanes. Ala or the sky ran to them and back up the two.
Match 4: Creed Brothers (Julius & Cruise) -VS-LWO (RY MISTE & DRAGON LEE
Louis Lee begins properly and li will fight again and the Julussis and pulling out. Lee lee suicide in the Brykal dives suicide and leaves a cross body of Julis and set up covers. Lee Myster is trying to tag, but can’t slide the trigger, but we have cut commercially.
Backing from the interval and the creep twice speaks twice and returns Lee and brutas smoked in the sternel. Mysterio tagged and he pulls out Julius and the cruel. In the mite of the Mitanio Panches Julius. Julius affected a DDT with a DDT and a headshifers. The stadman was sent down Julius from the upper-up to 6-1-9, and splashes.
Winners: LWO
A looker’s attacker was attacked by a face mask from Match, Lee and Mystore.
Seth is coming to rollynins ring. Rollins says he is insane, but everyone can’t be insane, everyone is not mad. He begins by talking about the Roman rule. He says that he does not rule crazy to attack him that he would have done the same thing. He says he has no rewards, if he could have been a few seconds, he says he had the ice career. His plans are all the time to take care of the role, now he must clean the mess. He says he will reign in his position. Maybe he thinks a trip to Italy and the rupture occasionally and reigns.
Kathy Kelly speaks of his thoughts about his thoughts on Logan Paul. Karrion crosses crosses and scarlet forums. You probably say styles to prevent itself upset yourself. The styles say that trying to cross and does not work.
Match 5 – WE Intercontinental Championship Competition: Bron Breakker (C) -vs-Finn Batter
Money rings and bal are climbing to break grapple. The baker earns the bracket in a headlock and the Breakkar shoots the batter with a shoulder shoulder test. Batter Panchats and the Councils Break to another headlock on the bracket. Breakker is thrown out of the upper rope. The Break ring is back to the Break ring and now sends the returns of the corner, and now sends the baster from ring, but also we are cut commercially.
Back from commercial interval, the batter is exploiting the brakker in a corner. Break Breaper is taken by the Break Ber Russian Leg Seps and Batter Coarks for two count. Brapekar, slapping the batter kick – it is angry with breakker. Breaker starts with battery punches and bring him down with a body test. Flips flips to Belore on Breakker mat, and down him with a powerial member. Dominic mysterio and Carlito comes down to ringing bracketing ringing. Batter Breaker takes batter for neck breaker and two counting. The ropes liverage and twice as the Chops Breaker twice the batter of the troker of the chest. Break batter takes the bare batter with running textline, exiting the batter. In the Declaration List, the Breaker jumps to the Buster onto Buster on the Buster to Buster. Breaker batter starts outside and send him back in the ring. Batter ring connects to a corner to a corner. The battery lost an couple D graces, rolls the breakke for the next failure. Breaker has affected a powerland and cover the bacter. The batter brake stoner gives the stone and go back to the sabotage D grade, but the breaker block him. Domemaker Breaker, he is rapidly runs the rapid and raping the rapid and busted to get a Franchtenstantar and the spear and winning.
Winner and still WE Intercontinental Champion: Brob Breaker
After the competition, Carlito, Misteo and the attack breaker. Penta and breaker and the braker and standing in the ring and stand down to each other. His IC belt and the show are facing face to face.