If you meet the founder, the National Security Committee will attend the PTI

PTI is subject to the appointment with the Founder of the party leaders.

The names of PTIHhar, Asad Qual, Sardj Gul, Sardj Gul, Aamir Memar, Ali Mohammed Khan and Hameed Raza were involved in meeting.

At the Emergency of the political committee, the decision was changed all night.

Opposition leader Omar Aymar Aiyab Speaker National Assembly wrote Aiias Saduk, saying the PTI had heard the PTI before the National Security Committee.

Chief Whip PTI Aamir Dogar reached the Speaker National Assembly Aas Sadik for the same purpose.

Amir Memar Memar Tarar met with Tariq Fazal Chaudhary and Parliamentary.

The founder was not a successful policy without support.

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