BMCR Results: Arctic-condur Rob Firch Memorial Race

Matt Home Holms and Antonius, the overall race-champager of Nobben BMCR event

BMCR Results: Arctic-condur Rob Firch Memorial Race (16th March) in Redbridge Cycle Center

A / B / C / D
First Matt Hom’s Arctic Aircon RT (1st B)
Second Dave Tate Destination Bike (First C)
Third Marco Koppola Colortak (2nd C)
The fourth matte steel printo bikes (3rd c)
5th Simon Potter Team Aerosles (1st A)
6th graheat Galwin East London Voo (1st D)
7th James Bishop Newhall CC (Fourth C)
Eighth Dave Faro Week CC (Second D)
Ninth pole blendin cc (fifth C)
Tenth Andrew Burham Rafa CC (third D)
11th Cliff Steel Bicycles (Fourth D)
12th Marec Civiki Appici Appicom CC (Sixth C)
13-tail fontana gemini cc (2nd b)
14th Paul Butler PB Coaching (7)
15th Kevin Atrid Glender CC (Second A)
16th Rob Bryce Train Shruis (Third A)
17th Joe Horton East Sign (Third B)
18th Jonathan Donaldon Donamo (Fifth D)
19th Nick Simence VCL (6th D)
20th Andrew Maxon Kingsnorth (Fourth B)
21 Stephen Foster team aercycles (7th D)
22th Alax Pewl Maglia Rosa (fifth b)
23nd Steven Notel Haridigies (8th D)
24 Tim Simpkins Newhahal SC (Fourth B)
25th Michael Cascelet Cuttering CC (Ninth D)

E / f / g / h / w
First Antonias VhubnelLL LSD (1st e)
Second Tom Killo Cambridge CC (Second E)
Third Chris Beales delicious velo (3rd e)
4th Andy New Market (4th E)
5th Costa Finchli Due to RC (1st F)
SIA Nigga Longbridge Crah Oquali Humars (5th E)
7-Tonol Nils Guinington LSD (2nd F.
Eighth Stephen Piper Piper Voo Saksh Interbuck (Third F)
9th Helen Taylor Carter bed club (first W)
Tenth Callin Champers Crawl Wheelkers (6th E)
11th Steven Word Jones Bath CC (1 BG)
12th Damien Foya Yoy Eagle CC (7th E)
13th Duncan Thomas team Aerocrees (8-)
14th Julian Bouleter Eagle RC (nine e)
15th John Philipcia CC (2 NDG)
16 Mark Conrow Dulpich Paragan (10 e)
17th Stoplet NEHALAHC (Second W)
The 18th Stewart Howard PB Bicycle Coaching (11th E)
19-Laura Oshon Veerans (Third W)
20 fish bird veloxyles intermbate (fourth e)
21 in 21o Dave Thonkins Cyno (1st H)
22-liz Haliday Sacex Nomades CC (Fourth W)
23 -d Dave Woods CC Luton (Second H) | Bike racing over 40 years of age

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