11 next week will get PDTU workshops

The Secretariat of Transportation and Mobility (Semob-DF) published Federal District official Gazette (Dodef) This is the schedule of diagnostic workshops (PMUs) to discuss this Monday (17) and the PDTU (PMTU) and the Sustainable Ur (PMUS). Areas of Sobradinho and Pizzilla will be conducted on March 24, will be restarted by the Folder.

The following will be held in the formup, itpo ã, Lago Nort and 25/3. Searching for hot water and pips for 26/3 and PDTU and PMC. In 37/3, the public is a turning point to the residents of Southwest / Ointbager and the UFTRANIngra.

“Until April 10, we will hold work workshops in all the administrative areas.

Technologists explaining the donations and PMS in all the ruling areas, the technicians who explain the PDTU and PMC will make the contributions of the urban warnings for new debates. The next May, the second public hearing will be held in both projects.

When discussing the instructions on July or August this year, the population will be able to participate in another round. The public hearing of the selected instructions will be in October, and the PMUs bill will be prepared until December.

* With information from the Federal District Transport and Mobility Secretariat (Semob-DF)

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