Games Saturday
(Paco arena, Manila)
12noon – OSC-ATC
2 pm – pwu-pc-d
John Paul Mend was erected by another stellar performance and battangavas.
One of the many foreign -8 mendis in the 10-school league cannot be unpunished within the paint, because 35 points in the stomach.
Elims of Elyms and Dileman College to pay the 8-5 record, the reflection elements of the Emmala Congress College and Diphakulanda Congress College.
In the second match, ICC Bluehax and 96-79 were more complicated by the CU SCs, 96-79.
The Israel’s Israel was equivalent to the equal to the same as the equivalent of 42 points and 29 boards.
Herdy completed 12 boards from posting the acissets to the post of posting. The other three UB players have obtained 18 points and obtained double figures with Ryan Grones.
However, their judgments will be known after the second stage of Saturdays Saturday.