The oldest human face in western Europe was found in Spain

Western Europe has a new face: Facial bones with the oldest face of “Pink” pink colored “pink colored” pink colored “, spanish scientists were weded on Wednesday.

The most oldest human beings of Western Europe, the thin-face homo, 850,000 years behind.

But the relevant research in nature was introduced in history in the history of the human evolution “,” said Spain’s Rosa Hagute University of Rova University of Rowira I Virgira.

Valley in Northern Spain


After that, a group of spanish scientists work find more about the pink band pink flood.

Sini silt (52 feet) mined the silt (52 feet) on a site called SIMI DEALL Elphanene.

The oldest human hoom in western Europe was found over 250 meters found in the Hoo Anfam.

But the most ancient man’s title is still known as the Bra Herage George – Homo Georgeus – now lived in Georgia.

They were built from Africa to Europe from Africa and were the first members of the human family.

We first show modern homo sappiys in Africa for 300,000 years ago – our time is going to Europe.

Face value

Spanish researchers used 3D Imaging techniques into meat.

The Homo-party had a face of “very modern and flat” of the war, “said Maria Martenon-Torrence of Our Own Evolution.

But the face of the pinkus is further “forward, adding more robust” and cooperation.

ഇതിനർത്ഥം ഇത് ഹോമോ ഇറക്റ്റസിന്റെ മുഖത്തിന് ചില സാമ്യതകൾ വഹിക്കുന്നുവെന്നാണ് – പക്ഷേ പര്യാപ്തമല്ല, പക്ഷേ ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞർക്ക് ഈ സുപ്രധാന മനുഷ്യ പൂർവ്വികന്റെ അംഗം മാത്രമാണെന്ന് സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയുമെന്ന് സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയുമെന്ന് സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല.

Therefore scientists entered a new name for potential species to include pink: Homo “Affinis” Eriques.

“This is the honest suggestion that we can do with the evidence we can do with,” said Martinon Torres.


From some murbs, researchers could not determine the age or gender of the pinkers.

But by analyzing small stone tools and animals, they have been able to get an idea of ​​having the environmental pink.

The humid forest is landscapor, horses, ancient livestock, monkey and some hippos.

The area was a wildlife with a lot of water, making it a suitable “place to settle” and said Hagvat said.

What happened to them?

According to Spanish researchers, the new find is supported that early humans began from the east.

If pink is a representative of an unknown human items before, it would have had the bridge between the Dimanis Honinins, Homo Account.

But it raises another question: What is from these people?

Spanish Palanio Bermids de Castro felt that they did not survive the Pink 900,000 years ago earlier 900,000 years ago ago.

“I think Homo Affinis Eriquity is probably disappeared,” said learning cooperation.

The future research is aimed at shed light in these secrets. The Spanish team has not yet reached the bottom of the Elephant Pit – the other sites around.

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