Goes out of the road and goes out of the road and a 47-for a 47-this is the Danielle D

Located in the road accident in the provincial road connecting the barry province: a man was sabotaged with car and ended from the road. The driver is dead: This was called Daniel D.

Source: Facebook

March 15th Saturday night, March 16, it happened In a road accident on a road accident on a rope on a rope on the province of KannanonLocated in Bari Province, A Matera. A car ended from the road In the impact 47 -You – Man dead. The victim was called Daniel D Andrea. 118 Health workers and police intervened.

The victim was running out of his car, because of the reassuring – because of the reasons why it is now secured – he lost control He ended. 118 Health workers and police intervened. Could not help the deaths and paramedians to declare the death of 47 but -earold: In fact man, man evented instantly.

All discoveries of Carabimenierary case were conducted to remove the exact mobility of the story. There seems to be no breaking signs in Asphal: This is not excluded that man may have marked an animal On the roadway. Living 47- He was the owner of one Of toobkonist. Mare Vincento Cason He shared a memory on social media: “Another young life that ends at a Saturday evening before a day of happiness and light.

Daniel Wolkare died, and he was the founder of Pope: Ready to clarify the reasons

He said: “To mother and brothers, beloved Nancy and Lucia, my strong hug and whole community. Dear Daniel rest in peace“. Many messages to social media and acquaintances:”The best person is the best person, safe faithful lays, life programs, life programs, life programs, a detailed form, detailed appearance, children, kids. Today the world is losing a wonderful pearls, whose heart could not conceive “Another user wrote.

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