What is happening this week in Italy

What should be done here to expect to be in the National Incli-Festival, hundreds of ‘hidden sites, hundreds’ and cultural sites.


National Unity Day

March 17 is one of the most nominniest days in Italy, is celebrated nationally in the country, or National United Day.

This is not a formal holiday, without leaving the job, the National Unit Day was established on March 17, 1861.

Read this: Why does it celebrate national unity on March 17?

Official rituals also take place every year to mark this opportunity.

In Rome, Italy’s state chief Sergio Matattu (Italy a large national monument, respected by the first king of Italy).

St. Patrick Day

Saint Patrick will mark the day on Monday, March 17, which is a wide range of the Ireland’s guard and more wide variety of Irish culture and heritage.

In Italy in some other European countries may not be widespread in Italy, but most major cities will be held on Monday.

From Rome to Florence and Genovas to celebrate, you can celebrate here San Patrished’s Feast This year in Italy.



National Rail Station

On Wednesday, March 19, the staff, Italy and the cancellation of the rail operators of the eight-hour strike, and Italy and the cancellation of the train passengers face the train passengers in Italy.

The word out of the word starts 9.01 and exposes the end of 4.59pm, local and long distance trains.

Expected to obey the overall interruption area, city and operator.

Read this: Key Dates: Trances Strikes in Italy in Italy

Under Italian Strike Rules, all rail companies need to provide several essential services (Minimum Services) To travelers. These services are usually done in the travel time.


For the latest information of guaranteed services, the relevant rail operator proposes passengers to meet the weights or social media channels of the relevant rail or social media channels.

The strike is three transport unions – Ujjiri, SLM fast, ora Ferovovi and Oraza Ferovi are the strike.

The Father’s Day

Most of the countries in the world are celebrating the Father in the world, but in Italy does the same on March 19th.

According to the Catholic tradition, the protagonist of the family animals as he was March 19, March 19, March 19, March 19, March 19, March 19.

Although a public holiday in Italy in 1977, italian children have little gifts and families for their fathers to their fathers and families to their fathers Sweets of San Ghospipee (Saint Joseph’s sweets).



Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox coming on March 20 this year will mark the first day of the Earth’s astronomical spring in the northern hemisphere of the earth.

The areas of the earth is directly permitted by the rip of the sun, but is a direct ombate.

This effect and night will be the same as everywhere on earth.

Since March 20, the time will gradually increase the time of time on June 21 – the longest day of the year 15 hours.



National Palvation Strike

Italy may hinder to public transport operators to attend the country to take a 24-hour strike to the passengers in Italy.

All sorts of local public transport, including buses, trams, metro lines, passengers, travelers and ferres.

Do not influence the protests in long-distance rail services and taxis.

The majority of the national public transportation of Italy, the quality of the barriers facing passengers and the city and the operator will vary.


Several essential services (Minimum Services) Running between strikes that fall in weekdays.

The details about such services are expected to get closer to the date of strike.


Italy will open hundreds of ‘hidden’ and cultural sites for the public

Over 750 in Italy to prepare to open doors to the public as part of popular FI Spring Days Italian Environment Fund (Fi) to celebrate the native artistic and architectural tries of the country.

Dozens of cases, villains, palaces, theaters, passengers, animals, animals and gardens are usually open to the public.

Rome includes highlights of this year’s spring days Roman college, The Tower of Libuses In Milan, Villa Rosbury In Naples Academy of Fine Arts In Venice.

Fi said that tours would not be charged for tourists and visits, but will be involved in donating the contribution to support the job in Italy.

Some sites may require the booking, noted the Fi.

For a full list of sites that participate in the spring and their inauguration of the year, See the Fi’s website.

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