Italy’s Telepus, How Do You Use it?

If you drive in Italy’s motorway, you will find the big yellow ‘telepus’ marks on all toll gates. But what is the telepas system, and what are the benefits of using it?

Driving is often a requirement in Italy, especially public transport areas, public transport services are very limited.

If you have used in Italy’s motorwords before, you may have heard the telepus system (or saw marks).

It is necessary to have a telepus tool, but it is the convenient and cost-effective way to drive in Italy HighwayAs well as the parking or access (ztl to restricted traffic zones.

What is telephous?

Ital’s motorwords is a network of the toll roads. How much do you pay based on how much you have given you how much you have given you, where you entered, where you enter and exit.

You can take a ticket when you can take a ticket when you can get out of entering the network – or you can use a telepase.

The telepus, or the precipitation of the Telepus, or Cash or Card is a small device that is usually placed in your vehicle (usually in the previous windshield of your car).

If you have the device, you can drive to dedicated pathways marked by telepas sign and yellow streams and sometimes a yellow ‘T’. You can drive through the toll gate from the device, ie your entry (or exit) have registered.

The obstacle will be exposed to the beep, lets you pass you.


The Toll Fees will be automatically reduced from credit card to your account or your account.

NOTE: Telepas system is currently Accepting Bank accounts and credit cards were registered in single Euro payments (SPA) countries.

The Sepa area consists of 38 countries: 27 European Union members, United Kingdom, Iceland, Norinnestine, Switzerland, San Marino, the Vatican, Montenegro, Albania.

How do you get a telepas?

You will give an activation charge and a monthly subscription for the device, it starts 60 to 1 for a basic plan (Telepus Base), It includes Toll discounts Of the 17 motorors around the country.

Test Telepas website For details of current offers and pricing projects.

You can sign up by website or mobile app, and through it you keep your subscription and expenses.

Read this: How will you argue with a parking ticket in Italy?

Once you have signed up, the telepus device will be sent to your home address. You can choose to pick it up from hundreds of people Telepas points Located in the gas stations in Italy.

If you don’t want to pay the monthly monthly, € 20 with a paying activation charg.


Can you use a telepas?

Motorway access, ferry tickets, parking and access to the parking and entry to restricted traffic areas (Limited Traffic ZonesOr ztl).

In some car parks, on-street parking, Telepas function is displayed in its normal yellow signage.

If you see the sign, go to the disruption, wait for the beep and get in the car park. When exit, you will count the exact time and automatically charged automatically.

Telepas symbols can be found at the airport car parks.

The same system will apply. You can sign and exit without a ticket; Your time is automatically calculated (and charged) after.

If you have the telepus app, you can pay for fuel, car wash services and official vehicle inspections. See the full list of services (in English) Here.

A European version of telepus can be used in France, Spain, Portugal and Croatia. There are plans to expand its use in the future more than European countries.

“Europe device gives you access Motorway in Europe Service, so you can travel by the car or motorcycle without in barriers or bordering, “says the official website.

As the use of monthly charged monthly, you can sign up for this service for an € 10 activation fee. Find more details about it Here.

Do telepus have any alternatives?

Telepas is the most widely used electronic toll collection system in Italy, but the opponent uniformmov popularity.

Unpolmov Copying Telepas function through similar tool – again, a type of small box you put in your car.

Motorway Tolls Automatic Payment, Like Telepas, like telepas communicating with the obstacle, like telepas.


Unicolemov is currently offering two riding plans: a basic plan (Unipolmove hose), It includes the motorway tool Discounts In many areas, a salary-go-go-Go Plan (Unipolmov Pay for a Use).

Fee for a basic scheme is $ 1.50 per month, is a special promotion that is currently offering the first six months.

For more information about Unipolmov, see Their website.

For more recent news about Italy, see our driving category.

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