In Europe, a complete version of Europe, more than 20 minutes of additional, in the original language, in the original language. Which is the Italian Cinemas who participates in the event.
The Dragon Ball returns to Saga Cinema. He is always doing it: a bank. March 16 comes on the big screen “Dragon ball z – war of gods“Based on Manga based on chapter Saga of chapter Saga Akira ToliamaIn 2013, a million European box office was only two days in Italy than the projected version of Italian and European Cinema.
There will be again there again in Dragon Ball Z – the war of the gods
The image arrived for a date, March 16 Sunday) and 85 minutes with the original 105 Masko Nozawa In addition to the small races in addition to the son Goku Kaorori Matsumoto (London 2012 London 2012 London 2012 London 2012 Olympics and Rio Deno, Olympics and Rio Denhoo Shoo NakagawaPokemon Paijus’s historical voice (it will lend Dragon Ball Zesad, which interprets the Oracle Fish (it will lend the Dragon Ball Z ShinichrubReplaced with a sushi seller.
When and where to see Dragon Ball Z – war of gods in the movie
Will be broadcast in the Italian theaters in the entire picture and true language Only on March 16. Traditional Version, Extra Version will be suggested, the additional edition will be suggested, Italian dubbing (including the Italian dubbing (including Goking, lending the voice of a Satan of Satan). Which theaters exchange the original version and the image that was seen in 2013, you can contact the list given to Nexo Studio In this link.
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Dragon Ball z – the battle of the gods: the plot and number
The plot of the picture is clearly “known”: between the Akira Tolliyama, acids between and after animodes Majin BuyTo the earth before the coming of destruction “in peace” The beerusWith his loyalists ConcussionThe intention to meet the failed Freezer. Note in a margin: beerus with a race cat Cornich RexAkira Tolliama is inspired from the cat. In fact, he was sick, declared imminent death. Instead, he may have made it to the ferry of a wooden Akkara Torna with Akkara Torniama, because it was a tribute to akira tyalama. Master Tiiarma soon became a realistic joke, so it creates the opponent of the film based on his cat’s form.