This week is discussed in Ukraine, the imaginary covenant from the Russian federation and various situations in the last. This week is 25 years of rage Moscow agreementThe Soviet-finish war was completed in 1939-1940.
A complete-areas of amazing finin’s territory losses have been negligible for a trifle.
When Finnish President in 2019 was Kiev in 2019, NV addressed him With this question:
“Did you win the winter war in the Soviet Union in 1939-1940
But now, in the state of March 1940, however, in 1940, in the state of March, 1940 is difficult. It is easy to understand that why the finish state of the finnish state is easy The Qusta Costi Attribute the following statement: “Let the sign-handed hands dry in such a document!” Why did the Moscow Create a heart attack in a few months, and his right bite was stunned …
However, on March 14, 1940 speaks with co-citizens RadioThe same president callio is “moral success, we referred to as a value to be evaluated at this time. Such a word described the end of the winter war.
The Finland is not a disconnected victory over the Soviet Union but the moral success of the Finnish people, it protected its state and freedom. The 1939-1940 War Finnish rooted “as moral success” Abroad.
Sovi’s example is not unique: history knows many cases that are allowed to talk about morality, self-help, self-help, selfishness, selfishness, but not about classic victory. In some places, the moral success is associated with sorrow than the finin ‘. Spartons’ moral success is considered famous War of the trussions. Moral Success of Texas – Defense Alamo. Moral success of the poles – Warsa agitation 1944.
The current Russian-Ukrainian war or its hot stage or its hot phase is not knowing. But the result of hostility will disappoint many of us and remain high.
If the expectations of the millions of people of our fellow citizens are not real, the definition of moral success is probably in Ukrein.
Without the collapse of the Kremlin regime, the Kiev will be difficult to announce the unconditional victory without the collapse of the Kremlin regime. Our sovereignty is a moral victory in a moral victory in an unusual encounter with our sovereignty and Kremlin plans.
Unfortunately, “an important” means “. The disputed success is the failure of Germany or Japan or Japan’s failure in 1945 – no additional confirmation. Clearly, everyone can call it. But the moral success becomes a success only if people are willing to consider.
If the normal success wins the battlefield, then you need to fight for moral success you have to fight for moral success. For example, the 1944 Warsha, only after destroying the Communism of Poland.
If Kiev was rich, the Russian aggressors speak about the moral victory in Ukraine, and then the description will be fighting.
First, the encounter will determine the encounter of the verdict of moral success. It is clear that the moral success is fulfilled Ukraine’s strategic interests than the enemy.
In the last stage of a complete war, Ukrainians is very important to exit high levels. With dignity. With faith in you and your power. Post -over will reduce the posture and the country’s remonstration of the country will help prepare for a new struggle with the Russian Federation.
Instead, Russia will bloom in the fact that “the” Ukrainian Society is not rooting the description of the moral success of the Ukrainian Society.
Not only is all military accidents, not only the Russian federation, but also to rise our absolute objects, but also that all military accidents are in vain. In Kremlin view, the Ukrainian will absorb all Ukraine of the future defeat and all Ukraine.
Second, we will face the attitude of connecting the verdict of moral success.
One thing, the idea that ruthless external circumstances should be blamed. The enemy was very strong. Allies – is an excessive, hype and inconsistent. Initially, I did not believe that our country will remain a few weeks. Russian nuclear blackmail was scared and angry. The new trump began rejuvenated with the crumel.
But all everything it depends on it, prompted the enemy to be the most harm. If it is not moral success in the uneven battle with Moscow, then what?
Another thing, the society is external but unless internal factors can be. If you believe in a disputed success of Russia, it failed to reach the cause of destruction. Disputeless success by bad officials and treasures. Uncable galem and selfish managers did not cause victory.
In this case, the fact that Ukraine will not be done, but in the failures to depend on it, in contrast, the opposite, self-insonent, and solidar. Then the same Fine Tow’s appear to be a moral success, but shameful loss.
Thirdly, the verdict of the Ukrainian moral victory is mainly Ukrainian political climate.
The hypothetical fulfillment of active fighting means Martial Rule Discontrolling. But this is the gradual defectoring of internal political life.
Kiev’s moral victory will play in the hands of Selensky and the current ruler in one way or another. Accordingly, many kangoavan opponents will be tempted to “torpido, tore the description of the moral success, and knocked the ground and the environment. When the Ukrainian opposition was able to abstain against the opposition of Ukrainian opposition.
Michail Dubunninski