Surrendering the Life of Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk

Vladimir Putin says that if they surrender, Vladimir Putin says the lives of the Ukrainian soldiers’ lives in the Russia’s Kurks.


Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to save the lives of the Ukraine soldiers in the Kurkkulam. His comments were once in response to US President Donald Trump for the life of soldiers blocked by the Russian army.

Requires a complete surrender and withdrawal from the Kurgs Sector to implement Trump’s call.

“To implement US Presidential call effectively, Ukraine military units require the corresponding order to establish weapons and surrender from military units.”

Putin added that Sawalwkan will be guaranteed.

“If they are surrendered and subdue arms, I would like to assure life and decent treatment in accordance with the international law and the Russian federation.

He claimed that Ukraintan soldiers have made many crimes against the civilian population of various settlements in the amazing curse of last year.

In the attack, we draw attention to the fact that the Ukraine Asian militants have committed many crimes. These actions, as I have already said, the prosecutor classifies that the prosecutor of the General of Russian federation is extremely added to the Putin.

The Russian army that supports North Korean soldiers is now close to the Ukunerian Sena.

Meanwhile, the details of the Washington instruction details in Russia of Russia in the detailed Ukraine, the Russian leader met the ceasefire of 15 days and Russian leader, informed Trump of Moscow.

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