Smachdown’s promo faultily edits wwe


He edited a promoted mistake of a promoted mistake in Barcelona (March 14) in the Spain (March 14) on Friday Smarkalon in Barcelona.

In front of the defeating crowds in the Olympic Arena of Barcelona, ​​the Champion La Night Bloodline family is underestimated.

The first is Jimmy USO, however, the “Big Jim ‘, however, followed by the Jacob 41 runs.

However, Jimmy clearly found that the time of the Sikova of the microphone, however, was clearly found that he was crushing through words and made it very interesting.

The mistake of tuneing to the smackdown line, Sikova is upgraded in the Promo Social Media in the Social Media.

The unaccounted version of Sikova can be seen in the first clip below to indicate, while the edited version of the edited edited below.

Ticova, Faith and Tonga in six six Man Tang Tong, Tikova, Fattam Strommen, and Burn Stromman takes victory in Six six Man Tag team.

Strowman’s celebration will live briefly, however, after being fat, while the fat, many top roped Moonnes and Ringside Bicken attacks Hip.

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16 minutes ago Jamy Tonon

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